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56 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education

2. What kind of health education is needed as we move into the next century?

3. What do health educators need to do to meet the future with confidence?


This is a time of unprecedented change in the world. At least five things have been

identified as central themes that drive change (Cox & Hoover, 1992). I ’ m going to suggest

that in this moment, the practice of health education, and we as health educators,

are confronted by all five — and because we are — as we move toward the new century

we will fundamentally change the way we do business.

1. Whether or not we recognize it, changes in society will cause changes in our

essential mission as health educators . Our future task will not be to teach people

facts — to focus on their cholesterol number — the mission will be to help them

become more analytical thinkers, to be more able to deal with an uncertain and

complex environment. We will become people ’ s health enablers, helping them

to manage new and confusing information and to make decisions in turbulent


2. Our identity and image is changing . In my professional lifetime, health behavior

has moved from obscurity to the forefront of American culture. Health is “ chic ”

and more and more Americans are meditating, eating right, and exercising. By

association, we ’ ve been carried along on this wave to prominence, and we have

the potential for increasing credibility with a large audience that will become

even larger.

3. Our relationship to key stakeholders in the arena of health is changing . The medical

care establishment is slowly but surely experiencing an erosion of power.

The public is rethinking its health goals — slowly but inevitably shifting from

notions of longevity coupled with high tech medicine to notions of quality of life.

We have the potential for newer and stronger partnerships with the people and

communities who have always been the heath education constituents. Medicine

by necessity will become partners with us. Collaboration and partnership have

new, more powerful meaning for health education.

4. There are changes afoot in the way we work . We are in the midst of a shift back

to community - based health education interventions after more than a decade of

focus on individual behavior. We have a renewed sense of urgency for helping

to empower communities to find appropriate solutions to their health problems.

At the same time we have an amazing array of technology at our disposal. We

can reach people in new and powerful ways. I recently went to Washington, DC

where, at the offices of the Red Cross, a television hookup connected me to AIDS

educators around the country, and together we explored ways to improve community

education for AIDS. Computers, fax, and television are changing the way

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