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8 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education

spiritual, and social. Only as long as the parts of the sphere remain in balance and symmetry

is maintained may the ball be thrown or rolled accurately.

In this age of speed, it is not difficult to realize the importance of symmetry if the ball

is to roll along life ’ s highway with any degree of stability. The driver of a speeding automobile

soon realizes the importance of a balanced wheel. The presence of a boot in an automobile

tire may not be noticed at low speeds, but as speed is increased the extra weight of

the boot is multiplied by centrifugal force, creating an intolerable, hazardous condition.

This is not unlike the health picture for an individual. Failure to maintain symmetry

through neglect of any aspect of health results in an unbalanced individual. Such an

individual may get along very well under ordinary circumstances, but in times of catastrophe

or under the pressure of the present stresses of life, he runs a great risk of cracking up

and will certainly do so if the stress becomes great enough.

Symmetry in the sphere of health as maintained or achieved by proper attention to the

fourfold development is increasingly vital as the pace of life continues to accelerate. Failure

to give attention to conservation of any aspect of health places the individual in jeopardy.

Each individual must give proper attention to being a well - rounded individual.

It is important that we recognize the interrelatedness of the four aspects of health.

As recognized in the development of psychosomatic medicine, no single aspect of life

exists independently of the others. Physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well - being

are so interrelated and interdependent as at times to be indistinguishable. In health,

many factors appear in more than one aspect. Above all, health is not and cannot be

static or compartmentalized.


Health would seem to be the most important single aspect of life. In terms of monetary

or property value, fame, influence, or prestige, it is impossible to place a value on

health. There is an old Egyptian saying which illustrates the importance and common

feeling about health: “ Health is a crown upon the well man ’ s head but no one can see

it but a sick man. ” Nothing in life is so taken for granted when possessed, or so sorely

missed when gone, as is health.

This fact suggests an important consideration in health education, a philosophical

basis. If health is so commonly the concern of the sick only, it may be that we are failing

to emphasize those aspects of health which are challenging to well persons. Furthermore,

we are certainly failing to take advantage of teachable moments. For example, few hospitals

and almost no physicians have a health educator on their staff to assist the patient

or his family in the solution of health problems or in living within known limitations.


The American Association of School Administrators has suggested that “ the goal of

intelligent self - direction of health behavior by every person in our society is an ideal

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