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Guiding Principles on Health Education 33


Regardless of subject matter or course title, I try to demonstrate the many interconnections

that exist between and among the topics that are generally considered within the

health science curriculum. In a study of alcohol and other drug problems, I emphasize

the potential effects of drug use on college performance and dropout rates as well as the

influence of advertising on the mind - set of many Americans who believe firmly that

one cannot have fun at a party without consuming alcoholic beverages. When the

course deals with human sexuality, I also discuss the expenses of childbirthing, the

selection of a marriage counselor or sex therapist, and the portrayal of sex roles in

movies and television programs. Whenever the topic is weight control, cancer, cardiovascular

health, or even mental health, there is always a need to evaluate news reports,

radio and/or television guests, and newly released books that claim some novel remedy

or recommended regimen. We must have some basic criteria by which to assess

the latest cure or approach to health maintenance, especially when dealing with “ alternative

medicine. ” And when the topic is AIDS, I will focus not only on transmission

of the HIV virus and specific prevention techniques, but also on the impact of this

modern epidemic on the current health care system and on the psychological responses

of the person with AIDS.

First introduced to the ideas of interconnectedness and conceptualization by analyzing

the School Health Education Study, or SHES ( “ Health Education, ” 1969), I still

try to demonstrate the linkages between many topical areas and prove that all health

education is really consumer health education. The original SHES study also made me

more conscious of the comprehensive nature of the health curriculum and of the continuing

need for establishing behavioralized teaching objectives to guide my classroom



It didn ’ t take long for me to realize that health education does not have all the answers

to personal or social health problems. Sometimes we recommend certain modes of

action or lifestyling changes that are quite impossible for our target audience to adopt,

due to unavailability of resources or lack of accessibility to those resources.

Increasingly, I even question my right to intrude on the privacy of others so they will

more likely accept predetermined reforms of their health behaviors. As a health educator,

I willingly admit that I do not have all the answers to promoting health and preventing

disease. But that will not stop me from asking probing questions that disturb

people out of their complacency.

There is yet another aspect of health education ’ s limitation that I have begun to

realize: the very best health education experience may not result in changed health -

related behavior if there is a lack of environmental supports, such as health - promoting

legislative initiatives and governmental policies, engineering technology, and regulation

of mass media advertising and business practices. With regard to alcohol abuse,

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