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258 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education

Also known as “ community health promotion, ” the new health promotion movement

has given birth to a new group of experts with new knowledge bases, new language,

and new skills. Like many social movements, it has come to represent the

emergence of a new domain of knowledge and discourse (Foucault, 1977). The new

health promotion movement has emerged largely by challenging the truth claims — the

building blocks of any knowledge domain — of more traditional health education and

health promotion approaches. Some of the prominent features of this new health promotion

movement include the following:

1. Broadening the definition of health and its determinants to include the social

and economic context within which health — or, more precisely, non - health — is


2. Going beyond the earlier emphasis on individual lifestyle strategies to achieve

health to broader social and political strategies

3. Embracing the concept of empowerment — individual and collective — as a key

health promotion strategy

4. Advocating the participation of the community in identifying health problems

and strategies for addressing those problems

Although some practitioners of the earlier, more traditional approach to health

promotion had attempted to employ one or more of these features, the new health promotion

movement goes considerably further to consolidate them into a coherent,

clearly articulated theory and approach to practice.

The new health promotion movement is to be applauded for having moved the field

beyond the narrow confines of the earlier individual lifestyle approach. Nevertheless, in

the spirit of Becker ’ s paper (1986), we argue that critical self - reflection with respect

to the terms and concepts used to articulate this new health promotion is needed, if we

are to avoid simply substituting one tyranny for another. We suggest that, for the revolution

in health promotion to be more than a revolution in professional discourse, critical

examination of the new knowledge domain represented by the new health promotion is


The paper is offered as a contribution to the continuing development and refinement

of theory, research, and practice related to the concept of empowerment. To that

end, we shall explore, in turn, the multidimensional and contested nature of health,

empowerment, and community participation. We begin with a brief general discussion

of what we mean, in the context of this paper, by multidimensional and contested.


The new health promotion movement is punctuated by words like empowerment and

community participation . But what do these words mean and do they mean the same to

all who use them? To invoke these words is to invoke powerful symbolic concepts.

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