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68 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education

its early ties to physical education and medicine, evolved to the point where health

education was associated with physical education and mostly abandoned by medicine.

When medicine lost its obsession with the “ miracle drug ” penicillin, and not being

able to “ cure ” viral infections, it again recognized that education toward prevention

“ works ” and that the mind is connected with the body, influencing disease and healing

processes, and that behavior and lifestyle are associated with health status. Health education

once again became more acceptable to medical science.

As chronic diseases continued to have a heavy impact on the nation ’ s health status

and as chronic diseases, coupled with an aging population, began using the health care

dollar at a rate beyond all predictions, prevention, health education, and health promotion

began to take on new meanings. With many disease states no longer caused by

microorganisms, health education soon became a possible solution to many medical

problems facing the nation, especially the preventable and behaviorally founded diseases

and syndromes.

Health education and health promotion represent a behavioral science discipline,

which offers a unique preventive perspective, knowledgeable enough in the medical

sciences to effectively educate and divert groups of people from needing expensive

clinical medicine. Thus health education and promotion have become more behavioral

science than medical science with physical education and fitness being an important

but minor focus of concern from the holistic perspective.

Health education for many years has promoted “ health ” from a holistic perspective.

Now “holism, ” “lifestyle, ” and “wellness ” are being embraced by many segments

of the helping professions, medicine, and business. Because of the global concern for

health and lifestyle, the fields of health psychology, behavioral medicine, medical/

health anthropology, medical sociology, education, and human services, and others also

claim a similar perspective, resulting in a jungle of theories, philosophies, and

approaches. Health education, needing a clear identity, has tried to decide which aspects

of these various disciplines to accept, embrace, adapt, or reject. It is obvious that many

theories and approaches from these various disciplines are of great use and benefit

to health education and health promotion. The dilemma faced by health education is to

discern which or how much of the theory of related or supportive fields to accept and

apply while avoiding becoming or duplicating that discipline. The result is a jungle of

theory for health education to utilize from other supportive disciplines. However,

the theory in a health education or health promotion context is not clearly delineated, nor

is it organized in a manner that is clear. Consequently health education lacks direction

and a well - organized theoretical base from which to develop the field. Health education

research, certification, competency - based training, teaching and process development,

planning, and evaluation are not done in an organized manner because there is no common

basis of philosophy and theory upon which to rely (Timmreck, Cole, James, &

Butterworth, 1987). Health education ’ s uniqueness beyond related fields lies in its ability

to marry the field of behavior science to medical science knowledge and in turn provide

educational, counseling, and behavior change skills in a variety of settings that

will have the greatest impact on preventing future illness, disability, and death.

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