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Health Educators and the Future 65

effects; and (5) transfer and disseminate health education technology that proves


What are other things we must do? Tool up and keep up. Most of us take part in

conferences and continuing education. These are ways of keeping up. What is it that

we ’ re not doing? Getting out into the community that we want to reach to find out

what is really going on there? Learning to use a computer or a new program? Reading

the most recent issue of a health education journal? Getting some innovative health

education started in your organization, even though you think the cards are stacked

against you? Creating a partnership with another organization even though there ’s

been no collaboration in the past? Tool up, tool up, the twenty - first century is around

the corner.


Physicists say that electrons can move both forward and backward in time. Using this

analogy one could say that the future is not out there in front of us but resides in this

very moment — wasn ’ t it Pogo who said we have met the future and it ’ s us?

With this idea in mind, there are some tasks I think are especially important for

every health education leader. We need to think through the topics that need to be

added to our health education programs to keep them salient in the coming decade and

create new ones to address new needs.

One can think of a range of topics: health practices sensitive to issues in minority

or aging populations; integrating physical/mental/emotional aspects of health; environmental

safety and health; family relationships; ethical decision making; cultural

aspects of health issues; new approaches to forestalling health problems through risk

reduction; self - management of chronic diseases, including HIV; dying (activist older

adults will want to have as much say over the circumstances of their death as they ’ ve

had over their life — people will quite literally want to learn how to die); genetic counseling

and use of genetic information in decision making; the relationship of new medical

procedures to quality of life — one could go on and on.

We also need to explore new channels for getting health education into the action.

A number of channels will be on the forefront in the next thirty years: activism — we

need to capitalize on all the power and energy that ’ s out there for our health education

agendas; the workplace — proposals for health insurance will only increase the need

to get effective health education into the place of employment; health care organizations

— there is more and more receptivity to the idea that health education makes a

difference in the management of disease — this venue will remain an important setting

for our programs; peer education — the huge number of older adults already functioning

as peer educators is a hint of the power of peer education to come; technology —

the possibilities are exciting.

Why do we need a sense of the future? To keep an eye on life and try to nudge

incessant change toward a direction we recognize as progress. “ No person can lead

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