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Health Care Reform 309


In 1945 the renowned medical historian Henry E. Sigerist commented, “ Health is promoted

by providing a decent standard of living, good labor conditions, education,

physical culture, and means of rest and relaxation ” (1946, p. 127). Building on this

idea, Milton Terris (1986) noted:

Many areas of health promotion, such as nutrition, physical exercise, housing,

employment, income, and education, have major impacts also on disease prevention.

The logic of our discipline makes it necessary to support a healthful standard

of living through full employment and adequate family income; improved working

conditions; decent housing, including the elimination of urban and rural slums and

the grim spectacle of thousands of homeless Americans; effective protection from

environmental discomforts such as excessive heat and cold, smog, noise and noxious

odors; good nutrition that will foster optimal physical and mental development;

increased financial support to public education and elimination of financial

barriers to higher education; improved opportunities for rest, recreation, and cultural

development; greater participation in community activities and decision - making;

an end to discrimination against minority groups based on race, gender, age, social

class, religious belief, national background or sexual preference; and freedom from

the pervasive fear of violence, war, and nuclear annihilation. A healthful standard

of living is one of the three basic components of a national health program, along

with greatly expanded preventive services and a comprehensive medical care system.

Failure to understand this will narrow our horizons, limit our success in improving

the health status of the population, and impede our ability to forge meaningful

alliances with the citizen groups whose understanding and support are essential to

our efforts. (pp. 150 – 151)


At present medical care predominates the “ health care ” budget to such an extent that

“ health care ” has become a surrogate for medical care. Medical care is dominated by

powerful economic interests such as insurers, provider groups, the pharmaceutical

industry, and the medical supply/equipment industry. They are more than content to

capture the term health care for what is really medical care. As Terris (1986) mentions,

medical care is a component of, but not synonymous with either health or health

care. A new paradigm would include a distinction between health and medical care

both organizationally and functionally.

A rational paradigm could include a Department of Health with a focus as broadly

outlined in earlier paragraphs and a Department of Medical Services that would include

programs consistent with what it is — keeping sick people alive, making them well, or

minimizing their disability. Both would be funded by private (business, industry, consumers,

and patients) and public sources. Certainly there is some relationship between

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