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224 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education


Democracy as the first principle of a health promoting school can be viewed as a

moral compass used to navigate the struggles of school management and curricular

reform. Thinking about health promotion in schools as part of a democratic process

challenges educators to consider the importance of

student involvement in the way schools operate and improve,

classroom study that addresses real - life issues,

creating school environments that are open to discussion and debate about human

events to help prepare young people for involvement in community and civic

affairs, and

the school as a setting for experiencing the attributes of a democratic society.

Learning about democracy through health promotion initiatives is proposed in this

paper as an important way for students to put their knowledge, skills, beliefs and convictions

to good use, to feel like they are a part of their school ’ s ethos and progress,

and to enjoy the freedom to be deterministic and expressive about the meanings they

are making relative to course content, world events, and personal experience. Education

with democracy in mind should ultimately heighten students ’ awareness of the relationships

between knowing and being, the links between behavior and beliefs, the

importance of character development (care for others, honesty, trust, responsibility,

sacrifice) honed through scholastic endeavors, and the value of participation in communities

of learning and service in schools, neighborhoods and beyond.


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