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Politics in Public Health Education 303


Rationale and Objectives

Testifying before a congressional or state legislative committee can be an intimidating

experience. Public health professionals who present a factual and compelling case

have high credibility with legislators and government staff members. There are, however,

communication and procedural land mines awaiting inexperienced public health

spokespersons. Objectives of this part of the program include (1) teaching the students

communication in context; the mode, tone and rhetorical style of speaking must fit the

genre of the audience; and (2) allowing panelists to illustrate the types of arguments,

questions, and biases exhibited by legislators and to demonstrate the reasons behind

the legislative perspective.

Legislative versus Public Health Professional Perspectives

Professionals from an academic or medical background tend to expect professionals in

other areas to respond to the types of reasoned arguments and factual appeals that elicit a

positive response from their colleagues. While the legislative process may appear to deal in

reason and facts, actually legislators may pay more attention to parochial interests than

carefully constructed logic. Communication, then, must be at the level of those “back

home ” regional interests. Additionally, legislators must deal with hundreds of different

areas of legislation and have neither the time nor tolerance to become familiar with all of

the issues. Therefore, the information being presented to legislators should be technical

enough to explain the issue, but not so detailed that the audience loses interest.

Process and Outcomes

The students ’ training in the political nature of public health culminated in their presentations

to a mock legislative panel. The panel was made up of former legislators

and individuals who had prior experience in giving legislative testimony. Although the

students had been advised on the content of their presentations and coached in their

stylistic approach, the actual presentations to the panel were their own. It was evident

that they had invested considerable time and effort in the content and delivery of their

presentations. However, they did not make a sufficient audience adjustment from giving

a paper in a graduate class to addressing a legislative panel.

The students were repeatedly interrupted by the panelists ’ seemingly irrelevant

questions and rude remarks, such as, “ This sounds like another liberal give - away program

to me. ” The students were unprepared for the panelist s’ seemingly unprofessional

and inconsiderate behavior.

The students did have a chance to express their concerns and vent their feelings at

an extensive debriefing session following the hearing. Public health faculty members

were present to reassure the students but also to underscore the realistic nature of the

process that they had just experienced.

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