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Health Education as Freeing 203

condition constitutes a health defect only in the absolute sense. When viewed in relation

to his value system, it represents a logical concomitant to his particular pattern of

good health. (p. 114)

In the health education model being proposed here, since the individual is

responsible for choosing a health - related behavior, the value system is more likely

to be a part of that decision than if someone else made the decision for the


The objectives of this new health education are concerned with enslaving factors.

Some of these factors are described below. Some objectives pertain to the

development of skills, others to the acquisition of knowledge, and still others to

understanding derived through introspection. The goal is to help the client either

eliminate these factors from influencing behavior, diminish their effect, or have

them surface so the client can freely and knowingly allow them to influence


1. Poor self - esteem is associated with many health - related behaviors and should be

improved. People who don ’ t think well of themselves cannot be expected to have

confidence in their own decisions and can be expected to be unduly influenced

by others.

2. Alienation consists of social isolation, normlessness, and powerlessness. Social

isolation is a lack of significant others in which one can confide. Normlessness

is a lack of rules, regulations, and standards that one can choose to live by.

Powerlessness is a feeling of not being in control of one ’ s own destiny. Alienation,

like self - esteem, is related to many decisions. People cannot freely make decisions

if, for instance, they have high powerlessness since they would not believe

those decisions were important to their lives.

3. Most people are influenced by others in some way and health educators should

be able to show others the effect of peer group pressure in their lives. The needs

derived from peer status, such as friendship, respect, etc., should be discussed

and their importance analyzed by each client. The realization of the influence of

peer group pressure and status in decisions made by each participant will lead

to a more conscious influence. That is, it is hoped that awareness will lead to the

ability to spot the pressure when it occurs and then to decide, consciously, to

allow or not allow it to affect behavior.

4. Values clarification activities have gone far to help people develop values that

make sense to them and to act more consistently with these values. Since a

lack of understanding of one ’ s value system could be expected to result in confused

or inconsistent behavior health educators should concern themselves with

this topic.

5. Health knowledge is necessary, though not a sufficient factor, to make decisions

which are most appropriate for oneself.

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