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Health Education as a Basic 19

urgency of health problems of youth, the amazing gullibility of the consumer, and

“ value illness ” as a primary concern in contemporary health education.

Health education risk reduction programs are becoming effective because of

improved coordination among health departments, schools of public health, medical

colleges, local hospitals, and various private sector professional and voluntary

health organizations. In a recent study by the Center for Health Promotion and

Education, Centers for Disease Control, it was shown that health professionals

were interested in a wide number of health topics but were primarily interested in

risk reduction, stress management, nutrition, and exercise — topics they believed

to be most susceptible to a comprehensive educational approach. Clearly, a cooperative

education for health works. It can be measured by a variety of successful


Stroke Mortality: Over a twelve - year period there has been a 42 percent


Heart Disease Mortality: Over a twelve - year period there has been a 24 percent

decrease. Heart attacks are still the nation ’ s number one killer.

Alcohol: There is a fundamental change in attitudes about alcohol consumption.

Both discussion and action continue relative to raising the drinking age to 21,

banning happy hours, stiffening drunk - driving penalties, making people who

serve alcohol liable for the actions of guests, and prohibiting drinking while driving.

There is evidence that people are starting to use alcohol in a more responsible

fashion, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported a decline in

regular drinking among high school seniors in the previous year.

Youth Death Rates: Unheralded in the popular press is the drop in the death rate

for adolescents and young adults, 15 - to 24 - year - olds — due chiefly to the decline

in automobile accidents and suicides.

Drugs: Teenagers are increasingly aware of drug - related health risks, more

opposed to legalizing drug use, and less likely to cave in to peer pressure than in

the past according to the findings from the alcohol and drug abuse program of the

Department of Health and Human Services. Marijuana usage among the young

has gone down, but drug use by American youth is highest in the Western


Smoking: Fewer people are smoking than ever. The teenage decline began in

1977 with a major effort by the National Interagency Council on Smoking and

Health. Smoking is still responsible for about one - third of all coronary disease

and all cancer deaths — and it is almost universally acquired during childhood

and early adolescence.

Child Restraints: Almost half the states have adopted child restraint laws,

resulting in a remarkable reduction of child injuries from automobile accidents.

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