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The group of girls, on a picnic had taken<br />

a wrong trail. Now, after a terrifying night, they<br />

were wandering hopelessly – cold, wet and<br />

hungry. ,,They’ll never find us,’’ one girl said<br />

between sobs. ,,We’re all going to die.’’<br />

Then, an 11-year old Evanell Towne<br />

stepped forward. ,,I’m not going to die,’’ she<br />

said firmly. ,,I’ve heard that if you follow a little<br />

stream, it empties into a bigger stream and<br />

finally you come to a town. I’m going to follow<br />

that stream we saw. The rest of you can come if<br />

you want.’’<br />

Evanell plunged resolutely into the<br />

woods, the others followed. They walked for<br />

over five hours, but finally, they heard voices,<br />

and their shouts brought the rescue party. The<br />

spunky youngster had led the group to safety.<br />

’’A born leader,’’ people say when Irecount<br />

this story. In their view, people like<br />

Evanell are programmed at birth to lead, while<br />

others are destined to follow.<br />

But my work has convinced me that<br />

leaders aren’t born – they’re made. Men and<br />

women who run organizations, lead the community<br />

and captain sports teams are the product<br />

of conscientious parents who follow simple<br />

rules that foster a leadership mentality<br />

– strength of mind and independent thinking.<br />

How can you foster a leadership mentality?<br />

Here are eight secrets.<br />

0. D (przyk³ad) Confidence comes from being<br />

told,,,Iknowyoucandoit!’’Andthen,,,Youdid<br />

it! Terrific’’ Building confidence begins with the<br />

child’s first steps. When he toddles triumphantly<br />

toward your embrace, he has scored Victory No.<br />

1. Each subsequent little success leads to others.<br />

No success is too tiny to be complimented.<br />

But this doesn’t mean you should fill the<br />

air with insincere hurrahs, or that you should<br />

never criticise. Criticism, however, should be<br />

coupled with both praise and instruction.<br />

1. One spring day Iwatched a girl in my<br />

neighbourhood dig a rock out of her rain-soaked<br />

front yard. She ran to her father ,,Daddy!<br />

Look at this beautiful stone Ifound!’’ He looked<br />

at her disapprovingly: ,,You’re getting all<br />

muddy!’’ Her face fell. She threw the prize<br />

away unhappily and trudged indoors.<br />

What might he have said? How about,<br />

,,What a beautiful stone! Let’s clean it up so we<br />

can really see it.’’ After all, mud can be washed<br />

away; the mark on the child’s imagination lasts<br />

longer. Children (and adults too) admire and<br />

follow someone who is willing to rise to challenges.<br />

Yet all too often we teach our children<br />

to play it safe.<br />

2. Recently, a promising 12-year-old gymnast<br />

came to me for help. She had all the skills of<br />

a future Olympic medallist, yet never seemed<br />

to live up to her potential. Ihanded her four<br />

darts and told her to toss them at a target<br />

across my office. She looked at me nervously.<br />

,,What if Imiss?’’ she asked. Those four words<br />

summed up her disappointing career. Instead<br />

of focusing on how to achieve the goal, she<br />

worried about how to keep from failing.<br />

Persuade your child to think about<br />

achievements rather than obstacles. The person<br />

who inspires others is the one who rises to the<br />

occasion even though he or she might fail.<br />

3. Your daughter comes home and announces<br />

she wants to be a professional bullfighter.<br />

Or your son says he’s going to be a movie stunt<br />

man. Neither squares exactly with the future<br />

you had in mind for them. Don’t throw cold<br />

water on them. Chances are the wannabe toreador<br />

will change her mind and study law, and<br />

the daredevil will detour into a business career.<br />

Meanwhile, encourage their dreams, however<br />

outlandish they seem to you.. What counts is<br />

the ability to fantasize, and to think about what<br />

might make the fantasies come true.<br />

A leader has been described as one who<br />

can have a vision, explain it to others and<br />

influence them to follow his path to it. But the<br />

first step is the dream itself.<br />

4. On a playground near my house, Iwatched<br />

a little boy whose legs were too short to<br />

climb the first step of a slide. He ran to his<br />

mother. But instead of boosting him onto the<br />

step, she asked, ,,How could you reach it?’’<br />

The boy thought for a minute. ,,What if Ipulled<br />

my wagon over there and stand on it?’’ ,,Do<br />

it,’’ she said. He did. The rest was easy.<br />

’’Possibility thinking’’ is a trademark of<br />

leadership. Those who examine a problem and<br />

show others how to solve it invariably lead the<br />

way.<br />

5. Leadership needs to be sharpened by prac-<br />


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