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LAWRENCE S. DILLON <strong>AND</strong> ELIZABETH S. DILLON 113<br />

Lnmpedusa seniculus Bates<br />

PLATE V, FIGURE 9.<br />

HypseUnnus senicu1m Bates, Ann. Nat. Hist. (3), XVI, 1865, p. 167.<br />

Hypsimrnl seniculus Bates, loco cit., p. 170.<br />

Seniculus is distinctly fulvous pubescent j the elytra are distinctly<br />

maculate on apical third with ocbraceous j and the tarsal<br />

claw segment is paler than others, dark only at extreme tip.<br />

FEMALE. Elongate-ovate, rather robust, convex above; dark reddish-brown,<br />

covered with grayish tLud pale fulvous pubescence. Head and pronotwn mottled<br />

with brown pubescence. Elyt-ra with the pale fulvous pubescence more or less condensed<br />

here and there, especially along suture and apically, to form a number of in­<br />

distinct maculae. Body beneath, legs, and antCllOae reddish-brown, cntirely covered<br />

Ivith pale grayish-fulvous pubescence, finely mottled with brown; tarst:\l claw seg­<br />

ment paler than others, d:trk only at. extreme tip; :tntennal segments from third<br />

tinged with brown at apices.<br />

Head minutciy alutaceous, with a median impre&ed line from occiput to near<br />

cJypeus; front concave between antennal tubercles, elongate, slightly n:trrower<br />

above, minutely, densely punetate, without larger puncturcs; genae transverse,<br />

minuteJy alutaceous; eye with lower lobe broadly oblong, large, nearly three hmes<br />

the height of gena, a little wider above than below; antennal tubercles r:tthcr robust,<br />

slightly prominent, widely separated, at apex with a very short, acute tooth. Pro­<br />

notum transverse, about one-half again as wide as long, sides slightly narrower at<br />

apeX thnn at base, unarmed, exp!1nded from behind middle, theli llarrowed apically;<br />

apical transverse sulcus obsolete, basal one distinct, straight, connecting with the<br />

short lateral oblique ones; disk entircly tumid, almost altogether smooth, with !1<br />

tubercle at middle and one each side feebly elevated, obsolete. Scutellum slightly<br />

transverse; sides broodly rounded ; aJlC.'" more strongly so, slightly impressed at<br />

middle. Elytra indistinctly narrowed to apices, which are separately rounded ; disk<br />

at base coarsely, not densely punctate, behind middle punctures finer, from apical<br />

quarter obsolete; humeri feebly prominent, anterior margin curved, :tugle without a<br />

tubercle, but here begins a long, smooth carina whlch extends posteriorly to slightly<br />

beyond middle. Prosternum suddenly widened before middle, then gr!1dually ex­<br />

p!1nded t.o basco Procoxae with a low obtuse tubercle anteriorly; femora robust,<br />

clavate, metafemora more slender, profemom not rugose. Fifth eternite one-half<br />

longer than fourth, ape;..: feebly retuse. Antennae slightly longer th:tn body, sparsely<br />

fimbriate beneath to apex; $Cape slender, feebly clavate from b:t.se, not rugose;<br />

t,bird segment one-fourth longer than first, slightly sinuous; fourth about as long as<br />

first, rest gradually shorter; eleventh a little longer than tenth, tapering.<br />

LENOTH 12 mm.; width 4.5 mm.<br />

Type looality.-Ega, Brazil.<br />

Distribution.-Amazon region southward to Bolivia.<br />

BoLIVIA: 2; St. Helena, 1921 j (W. M. Mann); [U.s.N.M.].

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