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hoary pubescent, with n brown vitta each side of middle; eye narrowly margined<br />

posteriorly with deep orange, the mnrgillul line below traversing gena and attaining<br />

base of mandibles. Pronotum with three narrow, subequai, orange vittne at middle,<br />

one median on anterior half and one each side of middle a little broader basally,<br />

sides broadly vittate with hoary, the vitta somewhnt divided basally by an indistinct<br />

brown line, oblique, tinged with orange above anteriorly. Scutellum brown, the<br />

hll5si angles hoary. Elytrll brown puent, at extreme base maculata with hoary,<br />

basal half, especially toward sides of d.iEk, vitiate with deep orange. the vitt4le<br />

margined irregularly with hoary, just before very center of each disk a rounded,<br />

distinct, whit.e macula, from which extends posteriorly and laterally a very indistinct<br />

fascia of hoary, behind this is a broader ob lique band of brown, not very distinct,<br />

apical portion variegated with hoary and orange. Body beneath and legs fuseous,<br />

thinly hoary pubescent, variegated with orange and brown; abdomen with a row<br />

of white dots each side between middle and margin, maculae very minute on first<br />

two sternites, distinct on third, large and variegated with orallge on fourth, entire<br />

middle portion of fifth white and orange; tarsal claw segments concolorous. An­<br />

tennae fuscous, dark brown pubescent, mottled with hoary, bases of segments from<br />

fifth hoary pubescent, sixth, eighth, and tenth more broadly so; scnpe variegated<br />

with orange pubescCllcc :ls well as hO:lry.<br />

Hend minutely alutacCQus, with a median imprCE:ed line from occiput to epis­<br />

toma ; front slightly elongate, not narrowed above, broadly concave between an­<br />

tennal tubercle5, minutely, densely J)unctnte, with conn:cr punctures nenT eye, each<br />

side more or less distinctly linearly impressed j genae slightly vertical, minutely<br />

punctate; eye with lower lobe ovate, one and onreurth times the height of gena;<br />

Imtennal tubercles prominent, well separated, robust, at apex shortly, acutely den­<br />

tate. Pronotum transverse, sides nearly parallel, narrowed at apex, lateral tubercles<br />

small, placed far down on sides and nearly at the middle; apical transverse sulcus<br />

narrow, basal one trisintlous, deeper at middle and at sides, coalescent with the<br />

deep, broad lateral oblique ones; disk at middle with a broad, triangular tubercle,<br />

each side strongly tumid, tumescences nearly circular, only obsoletely, transversely<br />

impressed. Scutellum transverse, sides stmight, oblique, apex broadly rounded.<br />

Elytm with sides expanded behind middle, then tapering to apices, whch are each<br />

angularly rounded; basal gibbosity broad, feebly elevated, entire base coarsely, ir­<br />

regularly, not densely punctate, behind middle more sparsely and finely so, obsolete<br />

before apex; humeri prominent, anterior margin strongly rounded, angle with a small<br />

tubercle, from which an obsolete, punctate carilla extends posteriorly to middle of<br />

elytron. Prosternum simple, widened. strongly at middle, then gmduaHy so posteriorly.<br />

Procoxae tumid behind, anteriorly with a broad, obtuse tubercle; femom.<br />

robust, strongly clavate, profemora not rugoi:C. Fifth sternite one-half longer than<br />

fourth, ape."-: broadly and deeply emarginnte, at middle n bro.'ld feeble impression.<br />

Antennae about as long as body, fimbriate beneath to apeX j seape slender, clavate<br />

on apical half, more strongly so internally, not rugose; third segment one-half again<br />

as long as first, feebly sinuous; fourth slightly shorter than third, fifth much shorter<br />

than fourth, rest subcqual.<br />

LENGTH 13 rom.j width 5 mm.<br />

Holotype.-Female; Puyo, Oriente, Ecuador ; December 12,<br />

1936; (W. C. MacIntyre) ; [L. Lacey].

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