Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...

Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...

Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...


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20120723-4002 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 07/23/2012<br />

Table 3.3.3-3. <strong>Project</strong> priority noxious weeds list (Source: PCWA, 2011a, as modified<br />

by staff).<br />

Tahoe Eldorado<br />

National National<br />

Forest Forest Acres in<br />

Priority Priority the<br />

Scientific Name Common Name Species Level <strong>Project</strong><br />

Ailanthus altissima Chinese tree of heaven 2 2.7<br />

Bromus diandrus Ripgut brome 4 97.2<br />

Bromus tectorum Cheat grass X 2 246.8<br />

Carduus pycnocephalus Italian thistle 3 18.3<br />

Centaurea melitensis Tocalote X 2 18.9<br />

Centaurea solstitialis Yellow starthistle X 2 6.67<br />

Chondrilla juncea Rush skeletonweed X 2 75.9<br />

Cirsium arvense Canada thistle X 1 0.05<br />

Cirsium vulgare Bull thistle 3 103.8<br />

Cynosurus echinatus Hedgehog dogtailgrass 4 81.4<br />

Hirschfeldia incana Shortpod mustard 4 43.8<br />

Hypericum perforatum Klamathweed<br />

Tall whitetop<br />

X 3 125.1<br />

Lepidium latifolium (pepperweed) X 1 8.9<br />

Melilotus officinalis, Yellow sweet clover,<br />

M.albus<br />

white sweet clover 3 57.9<br />

Rubus discolor Himalayan blackberry X 3 32.1<br />

Rumex acetosella<br />

Taeniatherum caput-<br />

Red (sheep) sorrel 4 189.5<br />

medusae Medusahead X 2 21.2<br />

Torilis arvensis Spreading hedgeparsley 4 84.4<br />

Verbascum thapsus Woolly mullein X 4 318.7<br />

Vulpia myuros Rattail fescue 4 225.3<br />


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