Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...

Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...

Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...


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20120723-4002 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 07/23/2012<br />

Implement Alternative 1 Instream Minimum Flows<br />

The Alternative 1 minimum flows (as specified in Forest Service condition no.<br />

22) and our recommended minimum flows (table 5-2) are similar to PCWA’s proposed<br />

minimum flows, with the exception of the peaking reach minimum flows (generally<br />

from 15 to 100 cfs higher than comparable months and water years) and minor<br />

differences associated with rounding.<br />

Other differences between PCWA’s proposed and our recommended minimum<br />

flows include the following:<br />

• Our recommended measure specifies that minimum instream flows be<br />

released by 5 p.m. on specific dates, while PCWA proposes that minimum<br />

instream flows be released within 5 days of the dates specified in a new<br />

license. In both cases, exceptions would be allowed when access to the<br />

instream flow release infrastructure is restricted by weather or hazardous<br />

conditions.<br />

• Our recommended measure states that hourly running average flow<br />

measurements would never be less than the thresholds specified in a new<br />

license, except as authorized in advance. PCWA would maintain<br />

instantaneous flows at all times to be no less than 90 percent of the required<br />

minimum instream flow and maintain daily average flows to be equal to or<br />

above the minimum instream flow and that daily average flows would at all<br />

times be no less than 90 percent of the required minimum instream flow.<br />

Deviations that are less than 10 percent of the required minimum instream<br />

flow would be corrected within 3 days of discovery by releasing the<br />

equivalent volume of under-released flow into the affected stream reach.<br />

• PCWA proposes that the instream flow releases specified in a new license<br />

would be provided within 30 days of license issuance at the locations where<br />

existing infrastructure and stream gages can provide and measure new<br />

releases. For locations requiring infrastructure modifications and/or new<br />

facilities, instream flow releases would be provided and monitored by PCWA<br />

within 30 days after completion of the required facility modifications. Our<br />

recommended measure specifies a similar schedule where existing<br />

infrastructure and stream gages can provide and measure new releases, but<br />

also specifies time frames where bypassed reach infrastructure modifications<br />

would be complete ranging from year 3 to 5 from license issuance. Until<br />

then, we recommend that releases from existing infrastructure would be at the<br />

maximum capability of the existing infrastructure if the designated minimum<br />

flow is higher than the existing infrastructure could accommodate.<br />


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