Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...

Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...

Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...


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20120723-4002 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 07/23/2012<br />

in enhanced trout populations and aquatic habitat. In addition, higher minimum flows in<br />

the peaking reach would build on proposed project enhancements, such as gravel<br />

augmentation and restrictions on ramping rates.<br />

Terrestrial Resources<br />

Natural plant and wildlife communities can be disturbed or displaced by project<br />

facility construction, operation, and maintenance. There would be a permanent loss of<br />

about 1.08 acres of riparian vegetation at peaking reach sediment augmentation sites and<br />

new project features; 0.24 acre of vegetation temporarily removed at Hell Hole dam; and<br />

an additional 0.07 acre of vegetation permanently removed for a new French Meadow<br />

reservoir trail.<br />

The Vegetation and Integrated Pest Management Plan would define specific<br />

practices that would be used for vegetation management and weed control and include<br />

provisions for surveying for and protecting special status plants and wildlife during<br />

treatments. Under the staff alternative, there would be more detail in the plan regarding<br />

management measures that would better protect sensitive plants and wildlife, including<br />

those that may be important to Native <strong>American</strong>s. Noxious weeds within the project<br />

boundary would be more effectively controlled.<br />

Modifying and eliminating recreation facilities near Stebbins phacelia populations<br />

would reduce project effects on this species; revised Hell Hole water level management<br />

may adversely affect some populations. Fish stocking would continue at historic rates,<br />

maintaining the bald eagle and osprey prey base.<br />

Recreation and Land Use<br />

Hydropower licensees have an obligation to provide reasonable public access to<br />

project lands and waters for recreational purposes. The staff alternative’s Recreation<br />

Plan would be similar to the Alternative 1 Recreation Plan, but would require<br />

improvements to the French Meadows North water system that are only necessary to<br />

ensure potable water is provided to the project recreation facilities and would not include<br />

new facilities at Ellicott Bridge because recreation use at this location is not related to the<br />

project. Scheduled releases of 1,000 cfs in the peaking reach would be within the range<br />

of optimum flows (1,000 to 1,250 cfs) for whitewater boating. There would also be more<br />

whitewater boating opportunities provided by longer duration releases that would occur<br />

earlier in the day as compared to PCWA’s proposed flow schedule.<br />

Cultural Resources<br />

<strong>Project</strong>-related facility construction, maintenance, and operation has the potential<br />

to disturb sensitive cultural resources including the submersion of cultural sites beneath<br />

project reservoirs, disturbance of previously unknown sites during construction, and<br />

unintentional or intentional disruption of sites by the public. The Alternative 1 Historic<br />

Properties Management Plan would serve to protect known cultural resources that may be<br />


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