Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...

Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...

Draft EIS_072312.pdf - Middle Fork American River Project ...


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20120723-4002 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 07/23/2012<br />

been undertaken to benefit the reintroduction effort. As discussed in section,<br />

Cumulative Effects on Central Valley Steelhead, the filing of this report would ensure<br />

that PCWA and the Commission are kept informed of the progress of the potential<br />

reintroduction and assist the Commission in its responsibilities under the ESA. This<br />

information would then be used to determine when it is appropriate to consider any<br />

needed changes to project facilities or operations to accommodate the restoration<br />

process. The value of keeping the Commission informed about pending ESA actions at<br />

the PCWA project would be worth the estimated levelized annual cost of $5,000.<br />

Expanded Special Status Plant Survey Area<br />

Both the proposed and Alternative 1 VIPMPs provide for surveys at 5-year<br />

intervals for special status plants and mosses consistent with the methods in the specialstatus<br />

plants technical study report (PCWA, 2008a). However, the area surveyed during<br />

the pre-application special status plant surveys did not include a portion of the French<br />

Meadows Campground water supply facility access road. Routine maintenance along<br />

this road could potentially affect special-status plants, if present, and surveys in this area<br />

would address any potential effects from project activities. Therefore, we recommend<br />

that the VIPMP included in a new license include special status plant surveys at 5-year<br />

intervals along the entire French Meadows Campground water supply access road. The<br />

benefits of ensuring the same level of protection for special status plants that may occur<br />

there as other areas included in the geographic scope of the proposed and Alternative 1<br />

VIPMP during the term of a new license is worth the estimated levelized annual cost of<br />

$1,260.<br />

Expanded Scope of Raptor Nest Surveys Prior to Construction<br />

PCWA’s proposed and the Alternative 1 Recreation and Transportation System<br />

Management Plans include a provision that, prior to recreation facility modification or<br />

construction that is planned during the raptor breeding season, a raptor nest survey<br />

would be conducted by a qualified biologist to determine the presence of raptor nests<br />

within 500 feet of the construction site. No specific provisions are included in these<br />

plans to have the biologist also survey for the presence of other special status wildlife,<br />

by either direct observation or identifiable signs, that may occur within 500 feet of<br />

construction sites. The same factors that could result in disturbance of raptor nests near<br />

construction sites may also disturb other special status species of wildlife during their<br />

breeding seasons, which generally overlaps with the raptor breeding season. Therefore,<br />

we recommend that, during the proposed raptor nest surveys, the trained biologist also<br />

document any evidence that other special status species of wildlife are present within<br />

500 feet of the proposed construction site, and if so, consult with the Forest Service,<br />

FWS, and California Fish and Game regarding any protective measures that should be<br />

implemented. We recommend that similar surveys be conducted prior to all projectrelated<br />

construction. This measure would not result in any additional costs over the<br />

proposed or Alternative 1 plans, and the extra level of protection of additional special<br />

status wildlife that this measure would provide is warranted.<br />


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