Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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The intensity of <strong>conflict</strong> demonstrates the closeness and importance of relations.Intimate relationships require the expression of opposing feelings such as loveand anger. While the intensity of emotions can threaten a relationship, it alsohelps to measure the depth and importance of the relationship if the emotionsare dealt with constructively.Conflict can build new relationships. At times, <strong>conflict</strong> brings together people whodid not have a previous relationship. During the process of <strong>conflict</strong> and its<strong>transformation</strong>, opposing parties or individuals may realize they have commoninterests and begin to work to develop a relationship.Conflict can create coalition. Facing a common opponent can create new bondsbetween people who were previously unrelated. Sometimes opponents caneven overcome previous antagonisms and come together to build coalitions,achieve common goals or fend off a common threat.Conflict creates or modifies rules, norms, laws and institutions. If there is readinessfor <strong>conflict</strong> <strong>transformation</strong>, it is through the raising and discussion of issuesthat rules, norms, laws and institutions are created. For example WWII hascreated modern nation states in Europe and various other structures and institutions.Conflict in this light serves as unifying force and offers stability.5 . Ty p e s o f c o n f l i c t 119

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