Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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There is a great deal of human suffering related to violent <strong>conflict</strong>s, political instabilityor unjust policies and practices. While short‐term humanitarian relief and crisisintervention are most important to reduce the immediate sufferings in violent <strong>conflict</strong>s,they are not enough in fragile states or post‐<strong>conflict</strong> societies. There must beadditional initiatives for post‐<strong>conflict</strong> reconciliation, for the development of capacityfor <strong>conflict</strong> <strong>transformation</strong> and for the building of sustainable peace. Meanwhilethere is increasing awareness of the need to increase the capacities for nonviolent<strong>conflict</strong> <strong>transformation</strong> everywhere, even before open violence has occurred.2.1 What is peacebuilding?As you may expect, the term “peacebuilding” is not clearly defined and is used in avariety of areas 19 . It is most often used to describe work that has peace‐enhancingoutcomes, and it attaches great importance to how things happen. It involves a fullrange of approaches, processes and stages needed to transform towards more sustainableand peaceful relationships, just governance modes and fair structures. Thelist below might give a glimpse of the current state of understanding and discussion:▶ <strong>Peacebuilding</strong> is the set of initiatives by diverse actors in government andcivil society to address the root causes of violence and protect civilians before,during, and after violent <strong>conflict</strong>. Peacebuilders use communication, negotiation,and mediation instead of belligerence and violence to resolve <strong>conflict</strong>s.Effective peacebuilding is multi‐faceted and adapted to each <strong>conflict</strong> environment.There is no one path to peace, but pathways are available in every <strong>conflict</strong>environment. Peacebuilders help belligerents find a path that will enablethem to resolve their differences without bloodshed. The ultimate objective ofpeacebuilding is to reduce and eliminate the frequency and severity of violent<strong>conflict</strong>.▶ <strong>Peacebuilding</strong> consists of a wide range of activities associated with capacitybuilding, reconciliation and societal <strong>transformation</strong>. <strong>Peacebuilding</strong> is along‐term process that occurs after the violent <strong>conflict</strong> has slowed down orcome to a halt. In a narrower sense, peacebuilding is a process that facilitatesthe establishment of durable peace and tries to prevent the recurrence of violenceby addressing the root causes and effects of <strong>conflict</strong> through reconciliation,institution building and political as well as economic <strong>transformation</strong>.This consists of a set of physical, social and structural initiatives that are oftenan integral part of post‐<strong>conflict</strong> reconstruction and rehabilitation.2 . P e a c e b u i l d i n g 29

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