Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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CONFRON TA-TION /COMPETITIONAVOIDANCEACCOMMODA-TIONCOMPROMISEnegotiatedCOOPERATIONInterest basednegotiationIn decidingto use thisapproach,a party weighsthe costs as wellas the benefitsof its <strong>conflict</strong>behaviour:▶ Will it getwhat it wantsover the longterm as well asin the short run?▶ Will it destroyrelationshipsthat will beimportant inthe future?▶ Does it haveenough powerto guaranteea win?What happensif it loses?▶ Will it provokecompetition inother areas?▶ Will it lead tothe most desirablesolution?Using thisstrategy canbe eitherproductive orunproductivein satisfyinginterests.There are variousreasons tochoose thisstrategy:▶ Parties claima position ofneutrality▶ Disputantspursue theirinterests independentlybecause overt<strong>conflict</strong> is notdesirable▶ Parties agreeto disagree andto not fight eachother on theissue▶ Parties wantto ensure theircontinuedexistence andto avoid any<strong>conflict</strong> thatmight lead toanother defeatOne partyagrees to meetthe interestsof the other atthe expenseof its own.It is pursuedusually when:▶ Sacrifice ofsome interestsis required tomaintain a positiverelationship▶ It is desirableto demonstrateor fostercooperation▶ Interests areextremelyinterdependentor for negativereasons when:▶ Parties lackthe powernecessary topursue an alternativestrategy▶ Parties arepassive orunassertive▶ Partieshave a lowerinvestment inthe outcomeThis strategyis selectedbecause:▶ The parties donot perceive thepossibility of awin-win situationthat willmeet their needsand they havedecided todivide and sharewhat they seeas a limitedresource▶ Interests arenot seen asinterdependentor compatible▶ The parties donot trust eachother enough toenter into jointproblem solvingfor mutual gain▶ Parties aresufficientlyequal in powerso that neithercan forcethe issue inits favourSeeks to enlargethe range ofalternatives sothat the needsof all areaddressed andcan be met tothe greatestextent possible.It works bestwhen:▶ Parties haveat least a minimallevel of trustin each other▶ Parties havesome mutuallyinterdependentinterests▶ Equal, butnot necessarilysimilar means ofinfluence exist,or the party withthe superiorpower is willingto curtail theexercise ofpower and worktoward cooperativesolutions▶ Parties havea high investmentin amutually satisfactoryoutcomebecause ofmutual fear ofpotential coststhat mightresult froma deadlock▶ Parties desirea positive futurerelationship2 . C o n f l i c t s t r a t e g i e s – a p p r o a c h e s t o c o n f l i c t 263

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