Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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ClarifyingClarifying means to use the kind of questions that elicit additional information,clarify issues, explore more sides of a problem/situation or develop further discussionsalong a certain line. To access more and detailed information that relates towhat is being discussed, one has to raise specific questions concerning the issue. Ifphrases like the ones below are woven around the specific question, they might helpto open it up.▶ “Please tell me more about…”,▶ “… how did it happen?”,▶ “Can you tell me more about that?”▶ “Can you explain further?”,▶ “You have mentioned … a few times. What exactly do you have in mind,when using this word?”Clarifying can also focus on specific information, single out the problem or mainpoints (about people, situation, actions, locations…)▶ “Who exactly was at the meeting?”,▶ “What precisely did you agree regarding the management of the centre?”,▶ “Where exactly did the accident occur?”,▶ “… but how, who, when, where…?”Clarifying also means checking whether what was heard and interpreted by the listeneris correct. Phrases like the ones below might be helpful to elicit feedback (agreement,amendment or correction) from the speaker.▶ “I’m not sure if … is what you mean”,▶ “… what I think you’re saying is …, is that correct?”,▶ “Do you mean…?”, “Are you saying that… ?”▶ “It seems to me that… “Challenging questionsConfronting the speaker with discrepancies in their story must be handled verycarefully to avoid making them feel accused of lying. Therefore, reflect on observation,focus on concrete situations, feelings, words or behaviour and avoid generalities.The following gives an illustration of this:“I saw you smiling and at the same time your hand was trembling when youtalked about… It seems to me that it is very hard for you to talk aboutthis situation. Would you like to tell me more about what it means to you?”Discrepancies or contradictory information can be challenged just by re‐statingwhat has been said by the speaker▶ “You mention you want to change your coco farm into a flower garden1 0 . A c t i v e l i s t e n i n g 83

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