Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Dimension of information/factual levelThis aspect of a message focuses on the facts, the content of the information given.Every message contains some kind of information, which should be clear and easyto understand. When the sender is not clear what they are sending, the receiver hasthe choice to which of the four aspects of the message they react to.Sender▶ The level of information/content/facts.▶ The actual words spoken and the logical dimension.Receiver▶ The informationis used to receive and understand the correctinformation/facts. The receiver observes, through all their senses,the words spoken, the content and logic of the message, the behaviourseen with the eyes…▶ What I observe with my senses (hear, see, smell, taste and feel).Dimension of personal intention/level of self-revelationThis aspect of a message focuses on the information the sender is giving out abouther/himself when communicating. Communication therefore encompasses intentionalself‐portrayal & unintentional self‐disclosure.Sender▶ Implicitly gives out information about her/himself, their state ofwell‐being and emotions. This aspect focuses on how the sender looksat her/him‐self and how they would like to be seen by others(including appearance, tone of message, posture…).▶ What am I telling you about myself (how I feel, what I think…).▶ Why do I communicate with you, what is my reason for talkingto or with you.Receiver▶ The personal intentionis used to understand the sender’s emotions,state of wellbeing, thoughts, intentions…▶ What does the message tell me about you?▶ Who is this?▶ What do I understand about how you feel, think…?What is going on in you?7 . R e c e i v i n g a n d s e n d i n g 67

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