Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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How do you create a triangle?▶ Produce one separate triangle for each major party involvedin the <strong>conflict</strong>!▶ Identify and list the key issues relating to attitude, behaviourand context from the viewpoint of each party.▶ Indicate the most important needs (or fears) inside the middleof each triangle.▶ Compare the triangles of the different parties, note similaritiesand differences between the perceptions of the parties.3.5 Conflict treeWhat is it?▶ A graphic tool using the image of a tree to identify and sort key issuesin a <strong>conflict</strong>.▶ The <strong>conflict</strong> tree offers a method for a team, organization or groupto identify the issues that each of them sees as important in a specificsituation:causes (roots),core problem(trunk),effects (branches).What is the purpose/goal?▶ stimulate discussionsabout causes andeffects of <strong>conflict</strong>s,▶ help groups toachieve consensuson the core problem,▶ assist groupsin taking decisionsabout priorities foraddressing issues,▶ relate causes andeffects of a <strong>conflict</strong>to each other.lootingCorruptpolitical leadersCAUSESfearEFFECTSunfairrepresentationhatred & suspicionLANDALIENATIONCORE PROBLEMFreedom & EquityCurrentconstituencieskillingUnequal developmentUnjust Law134 I V. TO O L S F O R A N A LY S I S

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