Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Strength and weaknessA mediator’s strengths should be for example, being a good listener, being impartial,having skills in digging out feelings and needs, being able to create a safe atmosphere.Throughout life, every individual acquires awareness about their own strengthsand weaknesses.Conflict resolution strategiesVarious strategies for finding solutions to <strong>conflict</strong> exist. Depending on the individualand the type of the <strong>conflict</strong> one might choose forgiveness, using power to obtaina solution, judging, negotiation, mediation …5.3 Guiding principles for mediationAlthough the practice and philosophy of mediation differs from mediator to mediator,the basic characteristics and qualities are general.Basic qualitiesWillingnessConfidentialityImpartialitySelfdeterminationSeriousnessThe present parties attend the mediation session voluntarilyand may leave at any time.The process itself is confidential; what is communicated in thesession will not be disclosed to anyone else. A proverb says:“You should not scrub the head of somebody who is not present”.The mediator is neutral, s/he never takes sides in the <strong>conflict</strong> orbacks one party 15 .The parties control the outcome of the mediation withthe readiness to find a suitable solution for all.Every <strong>conflict</strong> has to be treated with all seriousness, don’t underrate“easy, minor, light cases”. You never know what lies beneatha case you (accidentally) interfere in.ParticipationStakeholdersMediatorRespectAll the stakeholders (parties involved in the <strong>conflict</strong>) are present.Mediator(s) has to be present and accepted by all the partiespresent.Respect for all people present has to be assured.5 . M e d i a t i o n 275

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