Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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8.1 Obstacles to non-verbal communicationSome obvious barriers to proper understanding regarding non‐verbal communicationare:▶ Non‐verbal communication is often ambiguous (vague, indefinite, confusing)and therefore prone to misunderstanding.▶ Non‐verbal signs often fail to achieve their intended goal because they arenot clearly defined and too much responsibility for decoding their meaning isput on the receiver.▶ Communication symbols such as gifts, facial expression, time, body movementsand gestures need words to make their meanings clear. Symbols needwords to make the connection between themselves and what they symbolizeob vious. Gifts can never convey the depth of gratitude that words can name —sweets can never fully heal wounds!!▶ Wordless behaviour can alienate a person from the people around them,because the receiver(s) will not know exactly what the sender wants to express.In this way, the sender creates a distance from the receiver(s). Over time, thedistance between sender and receiver(s) will grow and misunderstandings willincrease. Whenever a sender expects a listener to understand what they are notsaying directly, the sender can expect disappointment.8.2 Obstacles to verbal communicationThe following issues may create awareness of what can hinder effective communication:Readiness Whenever the listener is not ready to listen, the sender will experience acold and uncaring situation. Every conversation is perceived differently byeach person involved, which can easily lead to miscommunication.E.g.: In a conversation one person is having trouble concentrating as he justreceived some sad news. This news turns into ‘noise’ inside this person, who isno longer ready or able to listen. The communication partner might interpretthe behaviour as a sign of lack of interest. Although this is not intentional, the‘silent noise’ disrupts the communication.Vague speech Vague talking hinders real conversation, is not honest and does notenhance trust in a relationship (synonyms are unclear, imprecise, ambiguous,nebulous or elusive). One might talk in circles, repeat the same issue over andover, jump from one topic to another, or fail to make clear what s/he wants tosay. This leaves the listener confused and unable to follow the conversation. If72 I I . C O M M U N I C AT I O N

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