Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Phase 5 Agreement/DecisionThroughout the process the parties take decisions.In this last phase of a mediation processthe mediator helps the parties to identify and tosort out areas of agreement and disagreement.Make the parties aware that one outcome of the process is their willingness todialogue. This is how they reached an understanding, found the root causes of their<strong>conflict</strong> and are now in the phase of discussion on how to change in the future.A written agreement is evidence that the <strong>conflict</strong>ing parties accomplishedsomething together, it reminds them what they agreed to, prevents misunderstandingsafterward and gives a clear ending point to the mediation process. In cultureswhich resolve disagreements with verbal promises, you may face resistance againstwriting an agreement. People may feel a lack of trust in their promises. Try to find outwhat creates an uncomfortable feeling and let the parties agree upon how to proceed.Help parties to formulate the agreement▶ Support the parties to formulate the issues.▶ An agreement should clearly state “who agrees to do what and when”.▶ Remind them of the consequences of violating the agreement.Review each point of agreement▶ Check if the wording is okay: use clear, familiar words, make straightforward sentences, avoid bureaucratic language and statements that couldbe interpreted in more than one way, watch for ambiguous words likefriendly, soon, cooperative, etc.▶ Check if the solution is acceptable to all the parties.▶ Check if the whole agreement is well‐balanced.▶ Listen carefully to their uneasiness to determine whether the agreementmeets all the parties’ interests and needs.Write the final agreement and read it aloud▶ Draw up a final copy during the session.▶ Read it aloud to make sure that each person follows and agrees.Have everyone present sign and give each party a copy▶ Let the parties sign to show their agreement.▶ The mediator signs in her/his role as participant and witness.Talk about follow up▶ How will the parties communicate in future when problems arise?▶ Will they meet with the mediator after an agreed time?284 V I I I . C O N F L I C T T R A N S F O R M AT I O N

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