Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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10. Sources for the various aspects: Miall, Hugh: Conflict Transformation: A Multi‐Dimensional Task,2004; LeBaron, Michelle: Transforming Cultural Conflict in an Age of Complexity, 2001; Lederach,John Paul: Preparing for Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures, 1996 p. 9; Augsburger,David W.: Conflict Mediation Across Cultures, 1992 p. 11–41; Masciulli, Joseph: From a Culture of Violenceto a Culture of Peace. Evolving cosmopolitan politics and ethics, 2004 p. 331 f.; Caritas Internationalis:<strong>Peacebuilding</strong>: A Caritas Training Manual, 2002 p. 53–57; Fisher, Simon (et al): Workingwith Conflict, Skills and Strategies for Action, 2000 p. 37–53; Mischnick, Ruth Ph. D: Nonviolent ConflictTransformation, Training Manual for a Training of Trainers Course, p. 25–28; Siebenhühner,Peter & Hagen, Berndt: Handbook for Trainers and Practitioners in Conflict Resolution, Part I, Introductionto Conflict Management, p. 18; Dulabaum, Nina L.: Mediation: Das ABC, Die Kunst, in Konfliktenerfolgreich zu vermitteln, 2001 p. 12, 44 f., 131 f.; Moore, Christopher W.: The Mediation Process:practical strategies for resolving <strong>conflict</strong>s, 1986 p. 27; Fisher, Roger & Ury, William & Patton, Bruce:Das Harvard Konzept. Sachgerecht verhandeln – erfolgreich verhandeln, 2001 p. 68–86; Anderson,Mary B.: Do No Harm. How aid can support peace – or war, 199911. Trompenaars, Fons & Hampden‐Turner, Charles: Riding The Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversityin Global Business, 1997 p. 20–2712. Terpstra, Vern & David, Kenneth H.: The cultural environment of international business, 199113. Hofstede, Geert: Lokales Denken, globales Handeln, Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und globalesManagement, 2001 p. 2–614. Lederach, John Paul: Preparing for Peace. Conflict Transformation Across Cultures, 1996 p. 9–1015. Hofstede, Geert: Lokales Denken, globales Handeln, Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und globalesManagement, 2001 p. 9 f; Hill, Brian V.: Citizenship and the teaching of values, 1996 p. 35–43; Simbiri‐Jaoko,Florence: Traditional Values and indigenous culture: Inspirations for human rights mechanism,2012 p. 40–4916. Augsburger, David W.: Conflict Mediation Across Cultures, 1992 p. 108 f.17. Note that each group has its own culture that is embedded in another culture, e.g.: youth culture ofxy‐organization embedded in the national culture of the xyz‐state.18. Lederach, John Paul: Preparing for Peace. Conflict Transformation Across Cultures, 1996 p. 42 f.; Dulabaum,Nina L.: Mediation: Das ABC, Die Kunst, in Konflikten erfolgreich zu vermitteln, 2001 p. 131–13519. Mischnick, Ruth Ph. D: Nonviolent Conflict Transformation, Training Manual for a Training ofTrainers Course, p. 81–83; Fisher, Simon (et al): Working with Conflict, Skills and Strategies for Action,2000 p. 98 f.20. Sources for Chapter 4.2. Power: Fisher, Simon (et al): Working with Conflict, Skills and Strategies forAction, 2000 p. 38–41; Augsburger, David W.: Conflict Mediation Across Cultures, 1992 p. 73–112;Besemer, Christoph: Mediation – Vermittlung in Konflikten, 2000 p. 55–91; Francis, Diana: Culture,Power Asymmetries and Gender in Conflict Transformation 2008, Caritas Internationalis: <strong>Peacebuilding</strong>:A Caritas Training Manual, 2002 p. 64 f.; Confortini, Catia C.: Galtung, Violence and Gender:The Case for a Peace Studies, 2006 p. 341 f.21. Augsburger, David W.: Conflict Mediation Across Cultures, 1992 p. 55–57, 62–63; Galtung, Johan:Conflict Transformation by peaceful means 2000, Module III p. 6–7; Galtung, Johan: Peace, humanrights and development in a multi‐polar and evolving world, 2012; Marker, Sandra: Unmet HumanNeeds, Beyond Intractability, 2003; Siebenhühner, Peter & Hagen, Berndt: Handbook for Trainers andPractitioners in Conflict Resolution, Part I, Introduction to Conflict Management, p. 63–65; Mischnick,Ruth Ph. D: Nonviolent Conflict Transformation, Training Manual for a Training of Trainers Course,p. 25; Fisher, Roger & Ury, William & Patton, Bruce: Das Harvard Konzept. Sachgerecht verhandeln –erfolgreich verhandeln, 2001 p. 78–8022. Maslow, A. H.,: Towards a psychology of being, 1968.; Hofstede, Geert: Lokales Denken, globales Handeln,Interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und globales Management, 2001 p. 177 f.23. Rosenberg, Marshall B.: Nonviolent Communication – A language of life, 2003; see also Part VI –Nonviolence, Chapter 5 – Nonviolent Communication292 A P P E N D I X

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