Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Ground rulesExplain the ground rules of the mediation process:▶ One person speaks at a time while the others listen without interruptingthe speaker.▶ No abusive language or physical violence against the opponentor mediator is allowed.▶ If necessary, the mediator will interrupt the process.▶ Ask the <strong>conflict</strong>ing parties if they accept the ground rules andif they want to add rules.ConfidentialityExplain that what happens in the mediation will be kept confidential.“What you see here, what you hear here, what you say here, what you do here,when you leave here, let everything stay here”.Willingness to go ahead▶ Check whether there are questions or concerns.▶ Ask all the parties if they are willing to proceed with the session andwith you as mediator.Phase 2 Air all viewpoints/share perspectivesThis is the stage where parties have uninterruptedtime to tell their stories, to talk abouttheir problems, what concerns them most,how they feel about the situation and whatthey would like to happen. The mediator isthere to summarize, reframe, paraphrase, andclarify — to check that everyone has understood.Set a courteous, unhurried tone▶ Explain that every person is allowedthe time they need to tell their side of the story.▶ Point out that no one should interrupt when someone is speaking.This gives everyone (<strong>conflict</strong>ing parties and mediators) a chance to heareach person’s story.5 . M e d i a t i o n 279

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