Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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▶ the fact that there is no female expression for president or manager(Major position),▶ the fact that there is no male expression for nurse (minor position),▶ the phrase of “it is a man’s world” is not only reality in a song.Certain forms of communicationThere are certain forms of communication that can put someone in a Major or aminor position. One should be aware that the M‐m‐system can be reinforced anddeclared as the root of violence by the form of communication between people ofdifferent age, education, occupation or social positions for instance. Explainedbelow are two forms 43 :Graduation of aggression in words and non-verbal signsThis describes verbal and non‐verbal expressions such as intonation, facial expression,gestures or sound intensity. One can put her/himself in a minor positionthrough non‐verbal expressions like looking down, not speaking, crying, runningaway, etc. Demonstrated below is an example of upgrading aggression by the Majorposition holder:‘You probably know everything better than me, as you are educated.’5‘Sure you know everything better as you are educated.’5‘You who are educated must know that better!’5‘I say, you who got education do not know that better?’5‘What?!?! You don’t know anything about it, and you say you are educated!’Different genderRoles and positions reinforce the M‐m system between male and female membersof society. In private life and working relations worldwide, most of the Major positionsare occupied by men, the minor positions by women. For instance companyowners are mostly male, they maintain the Major position and the secretary, in theminor position, is generally female. The M‐m system is installed by hierarchy andreinforced by forms of communication as illustrated in the following example:The child of a couple (the husband is one of the managers of a company, thewife is a secretary) fell ill and one of the parents has to stay at home. The husband’s7 . V i o l e n c e a n d … 175

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