Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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1. Transforming <strong>conflict</strong>s1.1 What is <strong>conflict</strong> <strong>transformation</strong>?Conflict <strong>transformation</strong> theory is often associated with the academics Johan Galtungand John Paul Lederach. It is a comprehensive term that refers to both theprocess and the completion of the process (the initiatives and activities) which seekto alter various characteristics and manifestations of violent <strong>conflict</strong>s. This is doneby addressing the root causes of a particular <strong>conflict</strong> over the long term.Aim Conflict <strong>transformation</strong> aims to transform negative destructive <strong>conflict</strong> intopositive constructive <strong>conflict</strong> and deals with structural, behavioural and attitudinalaspects of <strong>conflict</strong>. This involves a change in how individuals and communitiesperceive and accommodate their differences in general; away fromadversarial win/lose approaches toward collaborative problem‐solving.Approach Conflicts are seen as potential opportunities to transform relationshipsand the systems in which they are embedded. Conflict <strong>transformation</strong> involvesa change of relationships that support violence. It means a move away fromcontradicting win‐lose approaches towards collaborative problem solving, it isthe process by which <strong>conflict</strong>s are transformed into peaceful outcomes.Initiatives The initiatives (methods & activities) focus on improving communicationskills and are often characterized by long term interventions at multiplelevels with the goal to change perceptions through addressing the roots of <strong>conflict</strong>,including inequality and social injustice.Transforming a <strong>conflict</strong> is a long‐term process that engages the people involved inthe <strong>conflict</strong> to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills that empower themto coexist peacefully. This counts for small size local <strong>conflict</strong>s and for huge‐size <strong>conflict</strong>sof a society on multiple levels. Overcoming fear and distrust, dealing withstereotypes, perceptions and interests and learning how to communicate effectivelyare important steps towards redefining relationships. This may open the door tobringing forth social justice and equality for parties in <strong>conflict</strong> and might eventransform the existing constitution of a society which supports the continuation of aviolent <strong>conflict</strong>.There is no doubt that phases exist which could be called ‘solutions’ in thelife‐cycle of a <strong>conflict</strong>. However, in principle, <strong>conflict</strong> <strong>transformation</strong> is a never-endingprocess. But it would be naive to believe that a final state exists in which a con-248 V I I I . C O N F L I C T T R A N S F O R M AT I O N

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