Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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1. Change perception about <strong>conflict</strong>Conflict should be regarded as an integral part of society’s on‐going evolution anddevelopment, and not as an isolated event that can be resolved or managed. Conflictsshould be considered from a viewpoint of a common goal to be strived for andnot from that of personal gain and loss. Conflict should be understood as a potentiallypositive and productive force for change if handled constructively, and notsolely as an inherently negative and destructive occurrence. Logically the aim of<strong>conflict</strong> <strong>transformation</strong> from the very start should be that the parties achieve theiraims at least partially.2. WillingnessA precondition to any of the following issues is the will of the <strong>conflict</strong> parties toachieve a cooperative solution. If there is willingness, the situation is not hopeless.3. Renouncing violenceA mandatory requirement and the most important rule from the very beginning forde‐escalation and finding a constructive solution to a <strong>conflict</strong> is that the threat oruse of violence be absent. Conventional patterns of communication such as threatsand accusations need to be replaced by cooperative patterns of understanding andexplanation.4. Rules of fair playCommon rules for communication and behaviour are basic requirements that needto be agreed for dealing constructively with the <strong>conflict</strong>. When the parties to the<strong>conflict</strong> behave fairly, confidence in oneself and the process can grow.5. Readiness to discussThe readiness to have direct contact between the parties that provides space for discussionallows the opponents to recognize the other as a partner in <strong>conflict</strong> (and notas an enemy). It also provides an opportunity to reduce misunderstanding and limitsthe explosive potential.6. Accepting other viewsOne‐sided accusations of guilt generally disrupt <strong>conflict</strong>s enormously and are typicalsigns of <strong>conflict</strong> escalation. New viewpoints must therefore be elaborated if the<strong>conflict</strong> is to be recognized as a joint problem. A precondition is the readiness of the<strong>conflict</strong> parties to recognize that their own perception and interpretation is notexclusively correct. This means being able to listen to and accept the perception ofothers. This is also an important step towards recognizing one’s own role in a <strong>conflict</strong>and the rights of the other party to the <strong>conflict</strong>.252 V I I I . C O N F L I C T T R A N S F O R M AT I O N

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