Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Core of use of objects (weapons)Visible PhaseInvisible PhaseCore of touch (physical)Core of wordsCore of body languagetresholdbeating or pushing somebody and/or by using weapons such as knives, sticks, gunsand so forth against each other.A majority of people ‘define’ violence as acts carried out in the visible phase. Butwhen we limit our understanding and definition of violence to what is happening inthe visible phase — acts above the threshold — we consider what is happening in theinvisible phase — below the threshold — as non‐violence and therefore as acceptablebehaviour. Logically, we then deny that the ways and means of verbal and non‐verbalcommunication (expressions of thoughts, perceptions…) can be violent.In recent years, the understanding and thinking about violence has deepenedtowards the inclusion of less obvious forms of violence that can be equally damagingand are often more difficult to address 7 . For instance, it was found not helpful todraw lines between killing with a gun and killing through deprivation of the essentialsof life. It is true that there are forms of violence that harm more than others. Butgenerally violence in whatever form can destroy individuals, groups, nations andeven the whole of humankind.Different scientists categorize violence and how violence manifests differently.Some categories are described and used for explanation throughout this book; forinstance violence exists in or through or is executed by:▶ Violence through discrimination▶ Domestic violence & violence within marriage▶ Sexual abuse & trafficking of children and adults▶ Violence through racism▶ Violence by state or institutions▶ Violence through civil war and armed <strong>conflict</strong>s▶ Violence through hostilities to strangers▶ Violence through economic injustice146 V. V I O L E N C E

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