Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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3.6 TimelineWhat is it?The time line is a graphic that shows events plotted against time and presents eventsin chronological order from different perspectives.Events as viewed bypopulation of community XEvents as viewedby the government XSoldiers loot community XRebels disarm local militiaRaid on regional capital regionPeople fear looting andfighting — move to region YInsufficient supply of basicnecessities in the refugee camps3-20008-20004-200111-20017-2002Rebels take over the capitalGovernment send armyto the rebels control regionto stop rebellionmore troops sendInternational support requestWhat is the purpose/goal?▶ show different views, experiences and perceptions of the <strong>conflict</strong> history,▶ understand the various perceptions of the people involved(the different parties develop the timeline together),▶ identify which events are most important to each side – discussing thistogether might develop a richer understanding of the shared situationand history.When to use it?▶ At any time in a process.▶ When people disagree about events or don’t know each other’s history.▶ As a way of helping people to accept their own perspective as only onepart of the truth.How to conduct it?Each party identifies their important events and fixes them according to the timeline.136 I V. TO O L S F O R A N A LY S I S

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