Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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3.2 OnionWhat is it?The <strong>conflict</strong> onion is a wayof analyzing the different <strong>conflict</strong>parties’ positions, interestsand needs. It is used for ananalysis on the premisethat <strong>conflict</strong>s have differentlayers like an onion:▶ POSITIONS –what we take publiclyfor all to see and hear what we say we wantPOSITIONSWhat we say we wantINTERESTSWhat we really wantNEEDSWhat wemust have▶ INTERESTS –what we want to achievefrom a particular situation what we really want▶ NEEDS – what we require to be satisfied, needs are at the core andthe most important issue what we must haveBe aware that you have to produce one separate onion for each party involved!What is the purpose/goal?▶ move beyond the positions and understand each party’s interests andneeds,▶ find common ground (improve communication and trust) betweengroups, this can become the basis for further discussions,▶ clarify needs, interests and positions in situations where parties arealready in negotiation.When to use it?▶ As part of an analysis to understand the dynamics of a <strong>conflict</strong> situation.▶ In preparation to facilitate dialogue between the opposing groups.▶ As part of a mediation or negotiation process.130 I V. TO O L S F O R A N A LY S I S

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