Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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24. Dugan, Máire A.: Aggression. Beyond Intractability, 2004; Masciulli, Joseph: From a Culture of Violenceto a Culture of Peace. Evolving cosmopolitan politics and ethics, 2004 p. 331–354; Besemer, Chris -toph: Konflikte verstehen und lösen lernen, Ein Erklärungs‐ und Handlungsmodell zur Entwurzelungvon Gewalt nach Pat Patfoort, 1999 p. 19–3525. According to Konrad Lorenz: One of the most common reasons for using aggression against membersof the same species is the establishment of a dominance hierarchy, the rank order in society.Lorenz therefore attributes aggression a role in developing social structures due to its critical role inclarifying rank ordering of group members.26. Dollard, John (et al): Frustration and Aggression, 193927. Draper, P.: The Learning Environment for Aggression and Anti‐social Behaviour Among the !Kung, 1978.28. Bandura, Albert (et al): Transmission of Aggression Through Imitation of Aggressive Models, 1961p. 63, 575–582. The Bobo doll experiment was conducted by Albert Bandura in 1961. In this work,Bandura found that children exposed to an aggressive adult model acted more aggressively thanthose who were exposed to a nonaggressive adult model. This experiment suggests that anyone whocomes in contact with and interacts with children can have an impact on the way they react andhandle situations.29. WHO: World report on violence and health, 2002 p. 23–56; Owens‐Sabir, Mahasin Cecelia: TheEffects of Race and Family Attachment on Self Esteem, Self Control, and Delinquency, 2007; Prescott,J.W.: Deprivation of physical affection as a primary process in the development of physical violence,1979, p. 66–137; Prescott, J.W.: The Origins of Human Love and Violence, 1996 p. 143–188; Tremblay,Richard (et al): Development Origins of Aggression, 2005; Schellenberg, R.: Aggressive personality:When does it develop and why? p. 67–7630. Anderson, Craig A. (et al): The Influence of Media Violence on Youth, 2003.31. Castle, T. & Hensley, C.: Serial Killers with Military Experience: Applying Learning Theory to SerialMurder. 2002 p. 453–456; Confortini, Catia C.: Galtung, Violence and Gender: The Case for a PeaceStudies / Feminism Alliance, 2006 p. 354 f.32. WHO: Global Status on Alcohol 2004; Navis, C. (et al): Predictors of injurious assault committed duringor after drinking alcohol: a case‐control study of young offenders, 2008 p. 167–17433. Anderson, Craig A. & Anderson Dona C.: Ambient Temperature and Violent Crime: Tests of the Linearand Curvilinear Hypotheses, 1984 p. 91–9734. Der Spiegel: Als Deutschland in den Krieg zog, 2011 p. 78; speech from 11.9.2001 – translation by K.Schilling35. Patfoort, Pat: Uprooting Violence, Building Nonviolence, 1989; Patfoort, Pat: We can’t change the past,but we can change the future, 200236. The most important root (cause) of aggression is fear. Fear of losing a place in life and what humansneed to live, e.g.: shelter, work, culture, religion/respect, appreciation, love.37. Augsburger, David W.: Conflict Mediation Across Cultures, 1992 p. 229–258; Siebenhühner, Peter &Hagen, Berndt: Handbook for Trainers and Practitioners in Conflict Resolution, Part I, Introductionto Conflict Management, p. 40–52; Mischnick, Ruth Ph. D: Nonviolent Conflict Transformation,Training Manual for a Training of Trainers Course, p. 30–38; Caritas Internationalis: <strong>Peacebuilding</strong>:A Caritas Training Manual, 2002 p. 54–5838. Quan, Julius: in: Dietrich, Anne: Zivilcourage lernen. Analysen – Modelle – Arbeitshilfen, 200439. Sources: Macbeth, Fiona and Nic Fine: Playing with Fire, Creative Conflict Resolution for YoungAdults, 1995; Caritas Internationalis: <strong>Peacebuilding</strong>: A Caritas Training Manual, 2002 p. 54–58, 6640. Glasl, Friedrich: Confronting Conflict. A First Aid Kit for Handling Conflict. 1999 p. 104–105; GlaslFriedrich: Konfliktmanagement, Teil II, Die Dynamik der Eskalation, 2002 p. 215–286.41. Anderson, Craig A. (et al): The Influence of Media Violence on Youth, 200342. Cohn, Carol: Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals. Within and Without.Women, Gender and Theory, 1987 p. 687–718; Connell Robert W.: Gender and Power. Society, thePerson and Sexual Politics, 1987N o t e s 295

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