Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Basic structure5 Phases The mediator/s follow a structured process (see following pages),but is not following a script.TimeInformalMediationFormalMediationMost of the talking time in a mediation session should begiven to the <strong>conflict</strong>ing parties.The estimated time share should be2/3 <strong>conflict</strong>ing parties, 1/3 mediator 16 .Describes, for instance, a situation when one accidentallyencounters a <strong>conflict</strong> and utilizes the skills to find a solution.Or in a situation where <strong>conflict</strong>ing parties ask a mediatorto informally assist. Informal mediation is mostly done by onemediator.Describes formal mediation sessions between two <strong>conflict</strong>ingparties, members of one group, two or more small groups,big groups of people or parties.It is mostly done by two or more mediators and assistants.A report has to be written.Preparation of the mediator(s)Conflict caseProcedureArrangementsMeans to review the case, to think through potential problems,to review skills and approaches etc.Discussion about dividing tasks between the mediators, personalmediation style, potential difficulties etc.Seating arrangements▶ everyone should see and hear everyone,▶ seating should suggest the impartiality of the mediator/s,▶ <strong>conflict</strong> parties should sit together.Having paper and pens available for everybody to take notes.Possibly making something to drink available.276 V I I I . C O N F L I C T T R A N S F O R M AT I O N

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