Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Deliberate on every optional solutionAfter all the ideas have been written down, the parties — with the help of the mediator— go through them and check whether both parties agree on the ideas. Let theparties:▶ Add concrete steps and details to the options mentioned.▶ Develop realistic solutions out of the “unrealistic ones”.▶ Add new options if both parties wish and cancel the options one partydoes not agree to.▶ Check if the solutions are balanced (no party should feelthat they have to make more efforts than the other to developa healthy relation).▶ Write down what both parties have agreed upon.Elaborate possible alternatives in view of a common solution▶ Develop several possibilities for solutions, compare and combinethem.▶ What are the advantages and disadvantages?What are the possible consequences?Test for agreement and explore consequences▶ Check where the solutions might fail or cause other problems.▶ Check if the solutions really solve the issues that arose duringthe process.▶ Check if the agreement meets the interests of each party.▶ Check if there are issues and interests that have not yet been met.▶ Check if the solutions require resources or supportfrom other people.Can the parties realistically carry it out?When discussing concrete actions, the parties realize what they are able to do orchange in future. Sometimes, when not all needs and feelings related to the <strong>conflict</strong>are worked on during the mediation, the <strong>conflict</strong>ing parties might quarrel or discussthe <strong>conflict</strong> again. Let them go ahead and use your skills to support them untileverybody is satisfied.5 . M e d i a t i o n 283

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