Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Malin: If I understand you correctly, you say that you’re prepared towork with him on some specific projects, but it’s during theexecutive meetings you’ve become really discouraged about hisattitude.John: Yes, I just don’t think I can take it anymore.Malin: Hmm. Well, that gives us clarity about your point of view.10.1.2 ReframingReframing can be described as changing the outlines,limits or edges. Using this skill can make room for differentperceptions and interpretations of issues andbehaviour. By listening actively and using the skill ofreframing the listener validates the speaker’s experienceand also opens the door for alternative interpretationsof contents, issues or behaviour.This can be very supportive in <strong>conflict</strong> situations, when partiesfind themselves in a vicious circle and are stuck in communicationpatterns that further escalate the <strong>conflict</strong>. It might be thatthey are not listening to the other side any longer or are even accusingthe other party. Reframing gives a chance to break out of thisdestructive frame (if possible by a 3rd party, a neutral person) 6 .Keep in mind to always re‐check if your interpretation is correct e.g.:“Are you saying that…”, “It seems to me that you are….”Reframing covers:▶ neutralizing attacks by using less emotional words,▶ moving a speaker from general to more specific comments,▶ identifying underlying feelings,▶ identifying areas of common interest.An examplehow reframingcould sound:80 I I . C O M M U N I C AT I O N

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