Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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tual condition compared to what would otherwise be possible 20 . In other words,cultural violence shows how shared values and norms constrain individual possibilities,chances or capabilities.Examples:▶ Human rights abuses such as culturally accepted discrimination againstwomen: deprived of the right to vote or the right to inherit, subjected to domesticabuse, excluded from employment opportunities, given lower wages thanmen.▶ Glorification of violence in various ways. One is, for example, a use of themedia where violence is glorified in films, comics and the daily news.▶ Female Genital Mutilation, an obvious harmful act against females; manygroups and individuals persist in carrying it out based on cultural value andimportance.Examples of cultural violence in Cameroon:▶ Certain tribes insist on traditional post‐mortems on the corpses of peoplesuspected of witchcraft.▶ Families are forced to keep parts of the mortal remains of their deceasedrelatives in their houses for the sake of protection.▶ A women is not allowed to stand in front of the Fon.▶ It is forbidden for women to eat gizzard.▶ It is forbidden or rare for a woman to be an heir apparent or successor.5. All-or-nothing thinkingDifferent individuals have different perceptions of the same reality, based on personalexperiences. We tend to think that our thoughts, opinions and experiences arethe only correct ones. Additionally, we tend to think in a dualistic way, which indicatesthat there are only two possibilities: black or white, right or wrong, good orbad, pro or con, oppressed or dominant, loser or winner, inferior or superior…Relating these thoughts to our behaviour and thoughts in <strong>conflict</strong> situations,we try to find out the truth, the wrongdoer, the culprit or we try to prove someone’sguilt in order to free ourselves from fault and guiltiness. It seems that somebodymust be found who is inferior, guilty, minor or wrong. But in reality nobody ownsthe truth. Each and every one of us owns a different piece of the truth. Conflictsoften arise because we do not accept the characteristics or opinions of our opponent154 V. V I O L E N C E

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