Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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Schweitzer, Christine (et al): Civilian Peacekeeping –ABarelyTapped Resource,IFGK (Institut für Frie -densarbeit und Gewaltfreie Konfliktaustragung/Institute for peace work and nonviolent <strong>conflict</strong><strong>transformation</strong>) 2010Search for Common Ground: Communication for <strong>Peacebuilding</strong>: Practices, Trends and Challenges, preparedby SfCG (Search for Common Ground), supported by USIP (United States Institute of Peace)2011Seitz, Klaus: Bildung und Konflikt, Die Rolle von Bildung bei der Entstehung, Prävention und Bewältigunggesellschaftlicher Krisen – Konsequenzen für die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, GTZ 2004Senghaas, Dieter: Zum irdischen Frieden, Frankfurt/Main 2004Senghaas, Dieter: Civilisation of Conflict: Constructive Pacifism as a Guiding Notion for Conflict Transformation,in: The Berghof Research Centre for Constructive Conflict Management – Edited VersionAugust 2004Shell‐Faucon, Stephanie: Conflict Transformation through Educational and Youth Programmes, in: TheBerghof Research Centre for Constructive Conflict Management: The Berghof Handbook for ConflictTransformation, Berlin 2001Siebenhühner, Peter & Hagen, Berndt: Handbook for Trainers and Practitioners in Conflict Resolution,Part I, Introduction to Conflict Management, Forum for Dialogue and Peace, MalawiSiebenhühner, Peter & Hagen, Berndt: Handbook for Trainers and Practitioners in Conflict Resolution,Part III, The Training of Trainers, Forum for Dialogue and Peace, MalawiSimbiri‐Jaoko, Florence: Traditional Values and indigenous culture: Inspirations for human rights mechanisms,in: Human Dignity and Human Rights – Agenda Setting for an International Dialogue. Contributionsand Findings of a Workshop with African Partners. May 24–25, 2012. German Commissionfor Justice and Peace, Bonn July 2012SLADEA: SLADEA’s Handbook for Mediation, Freetown 2003SLADEA: Facts about Communication, Freetown 2006Social Cohesion and Peace Education Unit, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka: National Policy and acomprehensive framework of actions on education for social cohesion and peace (ESCP) 2008Spike, V. & Peterson, V. & Sisson‐Runyan, Anne: Global Gender Issues: Dilemmas in World Politics, 2ndedition, Boulder, CO Westview Press 1999Spiller‐Hadorn, Marianne: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. Der gewaltfreie Rebell, Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich2006Terpstra, Vern & David, Kenneth H.: The cultural environment of international business, 3rd edition,University of Carolina 1991The British &foreign Bible Society: The Bible, revised standard version 1967The Hague Appeal for Peace, Global Campaign for Peace Education, Statement, 1999, in: www.un.org/.../peace/GlobalCampaignThe Hague Appeal for Peace: Teaching Toward aCulture of Peace. APeace Education Resource Packet,New York, 2002Tickner, Ann J.: Gender in International Relations, Columbia University Press 1992Titley, Gavan: Youth Work with Boys and Young Men as a means to prevent violence in everyday life,TheDirectorate of Youth and Sport, European Youth Centre, Budapest, Hungary 2003Tremblay, Richard (et al): Development Origins of Aggression. New York 2005Trompenaars, Fons & Hampden‐Turner, Charles: Riding The Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversityin Global Business, 1997UNESCO report on Education for the 21st Century, Learning: The Treasure Within published by theGerman UNESCO Commission, Berlin 1997 (see also: UNESCO: The treasure within, Report toUNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the twenty‐first century – Highlights,UNESCO Paris 1996)R e f e r e n c e s 307

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