Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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6.1.2 Aggression and…Aggression and childrenThe frequency of physical aggression in humans peaks at around 2–3 years of age.In young children, aggressive behaviour is therefore developmentally appropriate.Young children at the age of 3–4 years develop the socially important skill of beingassertive, e.g.: asking others for information, initiating conversation, or being able torespond to peer pressure. Physically aggressive behaviour generally declines graduallywith age.By school age, children learn more socially appropriate forms of communicatingsuch as expressing themselves through verbal or written language to achieve theirgoals or have their needs met. However, aggressive behaviour executed by others,such as corporal punishment, may increase subsequent aggression in children 28 .Other issues that may trigger aggressive behaviour in children are for instance: physicalfear of others, family difficulties, learning difficulties, behaviour disorder oremotional trauma 29 .What can help children acquire the skills of self-assertion and self‐regulationare the behaviours of others, especially those who take care of them and accompanythem in their socialization process. Therefore caregivers should try to:▶ be a model of acceptable and nonviolent/non‐aggressive behaviour,▶ set firm, consistent limits towards acceptable behaviour of the childand make sure all caregivers agree to the same limits and treatments(parents, elders, teachers…),▶ be and show examples of effective and socially acceptable nonviolentways of managing anger: don’t reinforce aggression with aggressive formsof punishment.Aggression and the mediaAggressive behaviour can be learned by watching and imitating the behaviour ofothers. A considerable amount of evidence suggests that watching violence on televisionincreases the likelihood of short‐term aggression in children. Although individualsmay differ in how they respond to violence, children, youths and adults areinfluenced by violence in the media. The greatest impact and risk of increase inaggressive behaviour is in those who are already prone to violent behaviour 30 .Aggression and violent objectsThere is some evidence to suggest that the presence of violent objects such as a guncan trigger aggression. There are voices who state: The military provides the socialcontext where servicemen learn aggression, violence, and murder 31 (see also violenceand gender).160 V. V I O L E N C E

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