Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica

Peacebuilding &conflict transformation A ... - Peaceworkafrica


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the issues at hand lose importance, while the interpretationof the opponent(s) behaviour gains importance.▶ The parties start to withdraw from the <strong>conflict</strong> and turn away fromeach other.Segregation stage▶ The parties have moved away completely from each other.▶ No more direct communication between the parties.▶ Communication is restricted to voicing threats; anger and aggressionagainst the opponent(s) lead all thoughts and plans of actions.▶ The ability to listen to proposals coming directly from the opponent(s)no longer exists.Destruction stage▶ The opposing party is dehumanized in order to justify not only thoughts,but also actions of aggression and violence against the other(s).▶ Communication consists solely of direct violence or complete silence.▶ The goal of all thoughts and activities is the damage or the ruin of theopponent(s).6.3.3 Conflict is like fire – five stages of escalationThis model compares the escalation of a <strong>conflict</strong> with lighting a bonfire. The laststage in this model includes the <strong>transformation</strong> that follows if acceptable solutionsare found.Gathering materialfor the firePotential or latent<strong>conflict</strong>In this early stage, material to makea bonfire is collected. There is no fire yet,but all the material needed like firewood —some drier than others — is available.Movements to light the wood can beobserved.People in this <strong>conflict</strong> stage experienceunjust structures and violence in socialsystems. The <strong>conflict</strong> is not yet an agendafor the general society. But peopleare not satisfied and are consciousof the existing problems.6 . T h e d y n a m i c s o f c o n f l i c t s a n d v i o l e n c e 167

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