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ENGLISHSerial Remote Control (<strong>DN</strong>-<strong>V300</strong> only)2 Commands can be sent to the DVD playerand the status requested and sent to thehost via RS-232C.This DVD player can be controlled by a PC. Connectthe player and a serial port on the PC with a 9-pin RS-232C straight cable. To control this DVD player by aPC, set the RS-232C switch on the rear panel to RS-232C.2 RS-232C Pin assignments (DVD player)2 Basic format•Command format[group, command, parameter list]\r•Response code format0 : No errorx : Error code xExample 1:Player receives : [PC, RC, 66]\rPlayer sends : [PC, RC, 0]\rWhen the external controller receives theresponse this implies that the player has verifiedthe received message (syntax), and thecommand will be executed.ReturnValue can have one of the following values0 : No errorx : Error code x2 Hand shake flow chart•Control command and Status command<strong>DN</strong>-<strong>V300</strong>OKAnswer dataPCControl commandControl Status•Response commandAsynchronousresponse<strong>DN</strong>-<strong>V300</strong>PCPin no.Signal1 -2 TXD3 RXD4 -5 GND6 -7 CTS8 RTS9 -2 Communication conditionsConfigure the serial port of the PC as shownbelow.Bit RateData lengthParityStop bit9,600 bps8 bitsNone1 bitExample 2:Player receives : [PC, PlayT, 16]\rPlayer sends : [PC, PlayT, 2]\rIf an internal error occurs and the commandcannot be executed, an error message (Errorcode 2 : Invalid parameter) will be send.2 System commandsCommunication between a DVD controller and theDVD player consist of 3 different types ofinformation:• External control commands• External control status• Asynchronous responsesThe messages between the DVD and the DVDcontroller look like:“[group, command, parameter list]\r”A group, command and parameter-list betweensquare-brackets, followed by a carriage returncharacter (\r).The parameter-list exists of comma separatedparameters, and are case sensitive.When the player receives a message from theexternal controller, it will be acknowledged. Thisacknowledgment will be done in 2 different ways.For external control commands, theacknowledgment will look like:• Group : group specified in the receivedmessage (PC)• Command : command specified in thereceived message• Parameter-list : ReturnValue2 Error CodesName Code DescriptionecEXT_ERR_OK 0 No errorecEXT_ERR_UNKNOWN 1 Cause of error not knownecEXT_ERR_INVALID_PARA 2 Invalid parameterecEXT_ERR_INV_CMD 5 Command not validecEXT_ERR_INVALID_NA_DISC_ERROR10 Command not valid for current disc2 Command list• External control commandsGroupPCCommandParameterRC Remote control command RC codesee RC codesPlayT Play title Title/Track Number0~99PlayCPlay ChapterTitle Number/Chapter Numbertitle : 1~99chp : 1~999h : 0~6Time Time SearchTime Searchm : 0~59s : 0~59SetAST Set audio stream AudioStreamNumber 1~8SetSPST Set sub-picture stream SubPictureStreamNumber 0~32OSD ON/OFF control for OSD ModeON/OFFLKCON/OFF control for KEYLOCK modeModeON/OFFRCCON/OFF control for IRREMOTE LOCK modeModeON/OFF30For TITLE, CHAPTER, TRACK and COUNTER, number data follows the command.Example:• [PC, PlayC, 1, 3] PLAY TITLE 1, CHAPTER 3 • [PC, Time, 0, 3, 15] PLAY 0h3min15sec

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