Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2005 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2005 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2005 Sommario / Contents


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Identical twin girls, about one year old and fancily dressed, are discovered<br />

playing together in front of a comfortable home, with no parent or nanny<br />

watching over them. One of the two wanders off, ends up sitting on a<br />

railroad track, and is picked up by the man who owns and runs a miniature<br />

train. Next we find Peggy, now perhaps a year or so older, dressed in a<br />

railroad engineer’s work overalls, face be-smudged, busily repairing an<br />

engine. Her substitute father keeps her hard at work as both an engineer<br />

and a conductor. Her life of poverty and hard knocks has turned Peggy into<br />

a roughneck kid.Wishing to take time off from her chores, Peggy dresses<br />

up in a torn knit dress and matching beret. About to set out on the town,<br />

she accidentally drops the coin intended to finance this brief respite from<br />

duty, and a couple of street kids steal it right in front of her. A free-for-all<br />

ensues, and the police move in to retrieve the fighters from the pile-up,<br />

revealing Peggy at the bottom of the heap with a black eye.<br />

She steals a huge T-bone steak from a meat vendor to treat her shiner, and<br />

then spies her missing coin on the ground. But at that moment, a passing<br />

gent in a top hat picks it up and puts it in a wallet he keeps wrapped in<br />

an elastic cord. The wallet slips out of his hip pocket and trails on the<br />

ground several paces behind him, with Peggy hot on his trail.This provides<br />

a chain of sight gags: a workman in a manhole tries to steal the wallet, and<br />

is coolly crowned with a stout piece of wood by Peggy.The top-hatted gent<br />

takes a generous swig from a flask and enters a strange house, Peggy<br />

slipping in unseen behind him. This turns out to be the self-same home<br />

from which the one twin strayed at the start of the story.While the parents<br />

find the tipsy intruder asleep on their sofa and evict him, Peggy hides.<br />

Alone, she begins to explore the house. Catching sight of her sister across<br />

a room, she marvels at the little girl’s amazing resemblance to her.<br />

From this point the film becomes a fast-paced marathon of mistaken<br />

identities – the rich, well-dressed,“uppity” twin versus the tough, poor, feisty<br />

one, with Peggy playing both parts. The twins thoroughly confound the<br />

servants, their parents, and the man from the miniature train, who has<br />

mistaken the rich twin for his own missing worker, and followed her into<br />

the same house.With the main characters now all on stage at once, havoc<br />

reigns.The cameraman has great fun with his unusual double exposures of<br />

the twins, as Peggy winks at her newfound sister, <strong>del</strong>ighted at the<br />

excitement they have caused, and to find out she’s rich and no longer a<br />

slave to her hard-driving master. – BABY PEGGY:DIANA SERRA CARY, <strong>2005</strong><br />

THE FAMILY SECRET (Il mio papà) (Universal Pictures, US 1924)<br />

(Titolo di lavorazione/Production title: The Burglar’s Kid)<br />

Re./dir: William A. Seiter; scen: Lois Zellner; dal romanzo di/from the<br />

novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Editha’s Burgler, a story for children<br />

(1878) e dall’adattamento teatrale di/and the stage adaptation by<br />

Augustus Thomas, Editha’s Burglar, a dramatic sketch in one act (1883);<br />

f./ph: John Stumar; cast: Baby Peggy, Gladys Hulette, Edward Earle,<br />

Frank Currier, Cesare Gravina, Martin Turner, Elizabeth Mackey,<br />

Martha Mattox, Lucy Beaumont; lg. or./orig. l: 5576 ft.; DVD, 70’,<br />

collezione privata / private collection.<br />

Didascalie in inglese / English intertitles.<br />

112<br />

La storia di The Family Secret si basava su un atto unico di poche<br />

pretese ma di molto successo, in cui la protagonista era stata la<br />

bambina prodigio <strong>del</strong>la scena teatrale negli anni ’80 <strong>del</strong>l’Ottocento,<br />

Elsie <strong>Le</strong>slie. I critici lo trovarono troppo zuccheroso: uno sconosciuto,<br />

scassinatore “professionista”, si introduce in una casa <strong>del</strong>l’alta società<br />

(vittoriana). Imbattendosi nell’uomo, la saggia, innocente cinquenne<br />

Editha passa gran parte <strong>del</strong>lo spettacolo a persuaderlo a lasciare la sua<br />

vita criminosa per entrare nel sacro reame <strong>del</strong>la “vita onesta” di una<br />

famiglia cristiana mo<strong>del</strong>lo. Il ladro si converte al punto di restituire il<br />

monile preferito di sua madre.<br />

La sceneggiatrice Lois Zellner diede modernità e uno spesore<br />

narrativo alla vicenda. La madre <strong>del</strong>la piccola aveva segretamente<br />

sposato l’uomo che amava, disapprovato però dal padre di lei.<br />

Nonostante la nascita di Editha, il padre era stato in qualche modo<br />

cacciato prima <strong>del</strong>l’inizio <strong>del</strong> film. Il nonno riaccoglie a casa figlia e<br />

nipote, ma la giovane, bella madre, separata da un marito che ama,<br />

trascorre un’esistenza pigra, solitaria e malinconica. Ci sono alcune<br />

scene comiche con Peggy e la sua morigerata governante (interpretata<br />

da Martha Mattox, la sinistra “Mammy” Pleasant di The Cat and the<br />

Canary, di Paul <strong>Le</strong>ni), poi la bimba sguscia via ed incontra per strada<br />

altri ragazzi con cui giocare, con nuovi risvolti comici.<br />

Il culmine <strong>del</strong> film arriva quando il marito e padre (Edward Earle)<br />

entra silenziosamente in casa. C’è un intenso scambio di battute tra<br />

Peggy ed il padre prima che il nonno scenda e, vedendo il ladro, gli<br />

spari. Nella quasi-tragedia che ne segue l’identità <strong>del</strong>l’intruso viene<br />

smascherata, la sua ferita si rivela meno grave <strong>del</strong> previsto e la<br />

famigliola separata ritorna finalmente insieme grazie al perdono di un<br />

nonno redento. La scena di chiusura fu filmata a Pasadena in<br />

un’imponente dimora nei famosi Busch Gardens o nei dintorni.<br />

Si tratta di un tipico melodramma <strong>del</strong>la Universal, ed io non ne<br />

ricordo una singola scena, tranne il giorno ai Busch Gardens, quando<br />

la Hulette, Earle ed io appariamo felicemente riuniti in quel lieto fine<br />

piuttosto forzato. Nel mio personaggio non c’era niente di stimolante.<br />

<strong>Le</strong> recensioni furono buone, se non entusiastiche, e il soggetto era<br />

decisamente migliorato rispetto al testo teatrale. È però interessante<br />

notare quanto io invece sentissi il personaggio e la storia di Captain<br />

January (Capitan Baby) di cui ricordo nitidamente quasi ogni scena.<br />

Penso tuttora che Captain January non fosse solo un film, ma qualcosa<br />

che mi era veramente successo! – BABY PEGGY:DIANA SERRA CARY, <strong>2005</strong><br />

The story of The Family Secret was based on an unpretentious but highly<br />

successful one-act play which had starred the legitimate theatre’s reigning<br />

child star of the 1880s, Elsie <strong>Le</strong>slie. Critics found it a saccharine piece, in<br />

which a stranger, a “professional” burglar, breaks into an upper-class<br />

(Victorian) home. Stumbling upon the man, the wise and innocent five-yearold<br />

Editha spends most of the play persuading him to leave his life of crime<br />

and enter the hallowed realm of a mo<strong>del</strong> Christian family’s “good life”.The<br />

burglar is converted, and even gives back her mother’s favorite jewel.<br />

Writer Lois Zellner modernized the story and gave it a plot. The child’s<br />

mother had secretly married the man she loved but of whom her father

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