Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2005 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2005 Sommario / Contents

Le Giornate del Cinema Muto 2005 Sommario / Contents


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in the mise-en-scène, and particularly in the skilful deployment of his<br />

players in conversational scenes.<br />

Synopsis: Harry Kernett is deterred from a dawn suicide by the<br />

opportune arrival of some merrymakers. Invited to the home of Lord<br />

Harding, Harry meets Edward, an old friend from Oxford, and confides his<br />

despair as the last of the Kernetts, whose only talents have been living<br />

well and dying beautifully. Harry becomes Lord Harding’s secretary.<br />

When Harding becomes bankrupt, his only solution seems to be to marry<br />

his daughter Hella to the rich Colonel Douglas. Harry opposes this,<br />

knowing that Edward and Hella are in love. Harding explains that he has<br />

squandered the fortune of his foster-daughter, Mary, and must retrieve it<br />

within the year, before she comes of age and returns from her world<br />

travels. Harry offers Harding a solution: if Harding insures Harry’s life for<br />

£100,000, he will die in one year, on 15 September. Harding reluctantly<br />

accepts.<br />

It is at this point that the surviving fragment begins: Harry goes<br />

to India to pursue the pleasure of the East. He is captivated by the beauty<br />

of a mysterious Indian woman, whom he later sees on a boat on the<br />

Ganges. He meets her again in Madras, and importunes her in her hotel<br />

room.When he learns that she is Princess Halasdane, Harry leaves her,<br />

but the following day receives an invitation to her yacht. The Princess<br />

introduces him to an Indian doctor, Hyttara Sahib, who is jealous and<br />

hostile until Harry reveals to him his need to die. After this the two<br />

become friends.<br />

Here the fragment ends. The original conclusion of the story<br />

was as follows: At dawn on the date appointed for his death, Harry is<br />

at the Eccentric Club in Paris. Hyttara Sahib arrives with poison which he<br />

promises will take him painlessly to Nirvana.The next day Harding arrives<br />

in Paris, seeking to prevent Harry’s death. He seeks out his fosterdaughter<br />

and confesses his extravagance and Harry’s sacrifice. Mary,<br />

however, pulls back a curtain to reveal Harry and Hyttara Sahib, who<br />

reassures Harding that he has only given Harry a sleeping-pill. Harry<br />

wakes; Hyttara Sahib takes off his beard to reveal that he is Edward; while<br />

Mary and Princess Halasdane are recognized as one and the same. –<br />


A SKORPIÓ I-II (Der Skorpion I-II./Gewissenlose Bestien)<br />

[LO SCORPIONE / THE SCORPION] (Phönix, HU 1918)<br />

Re./dir: Mihály Kertész; scen: Iván Siklósi; f./ph: József Bécsi; cast: Mihály<br />

Várkonyi, Jenö Balassa, Kläry Lotto, Lajos Réthey, Margit T. Halmi,<br />

Zoltán Szerémy, Viktor Costa, Oly Spolarits; dist: Projectograph;<br />

ppp/rel: 11.11.1918 & 15.11.1918 (Royal-Apolló, Budapest), 3.1.1919 &<br />

10.1.1919 (Vienna); lg. or./orig. l: 1700 m.; frammento sopravvissuto<br />

/surviving fragment: 35mm, 100 m., 4’20” (20 fps), Magyar Nemzeti<br />

Filmarchivum / Hungarian National Film Archive.<br />

Didascalie in tedesco / German intertitles.<br />

Protagonista di A skorpió (uscito in origine in due episodi) era il<br />

giovane Mihály Várkonyi (1891-1976), che, come lo stesso Kertész,<br />

emigrò dopo il crollo <strong>del</strong>la Repubblica Ungherese <strong>del</strong> 1919 per<br />

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rifarsi una carriera a Hollywood con il nuovo nome di Victor Varconi.<br />

Várkonyi interpreta Jean Morell, un vagabondo che trova rifugio in<br />

quel che sembra un castello abbandonato. Benché il posto sembri<br />

deserto, vi è un fuoco che brucia e la tavola è apparecchiata. Sul<br />

pavimento c’è un morto. Il vagabondo cerca di fuggire, ma scopre<br />

che le porte sono ora chiuse a chiave. Mentre raccoglie il coltello<br />

insanguinato abbandonato accanto al cadavere, arriva la polizia che<br />

lo arresta. Accusato <strong>del</strong>l’omicidio <strong>del</strong> conte d’Orville, egli viene<br />

incarcerato.<br />

Nella cella accanto alla sua è detenuto il valletto <strong>del</strong> conte, Pierre,<br />

complice <strong>del</strong> vero assassino – il cugino <strong>del</strong> defunto. Pierre aveva<br />

approfittato <strong>del</strong>la situazione per rubare il tesoro <strong>del</strong> conte e per<br />

questo era finito in prigione. Jean e Pierre cercano di fuggire insieme,<br />

ma Pierre viene ucciso. Jean, invece, riesce a recuperare il tesoro<br />

rubato e se ne torna al castello per vendicarsi <strong>del</strong> vero omicida.<br />

Spacciandosi per l’erede legittimo, si trasferisce così nella dimora.<br />

Una notte, il cugino <strong>del</strong> conte entra nella stanza dove aveva avuto<br />

luogo l’assassinio e spara a Jean, l’unico a conoscenza <strong>del</strong>la sua<br />

colpevolezza. Curato dalla figlia <strong>del</strong>l’intendente, Jean si riprende dalle<br />

ferit e trova il testamento <strong>del</strong> conte, riuscendo ca dimostrare che,<br />

per via <strong>del</strong>la sua condotta dissoluta, il cugino era stato diseredato a<br />

favore <strong>del</strong> suo stesso figlio, da tempo scomparso.<br />

Dopo la guarigione di Jean, viene data in suo onore una festa in<br />

giardino. L’assassino segue il giovane nella sua stanza e cerca di<br />

ucciderlo. Nella colluttazione, il cattivo scorge un amuleto a forma<br />

di scorpione al collo di Jean e comprende che si tratta di suo figlio.<br />

Tormetnato dal rimorso per averlo mandato in prigione e per avere<br />

ora tentato di ucciderlo, fugge dal castello nel mezzo di una violenta<br />

bufera e viene ucciso da un fulmine.<br />

Il frammento superstite consiste di due scene <strong>del</strong> rullo finale: (1) la<br />

festa in onore di Jean; (2) la fuga dal castello <strong>del</strong> cattivo pieno di<br />

rimorsi e la sua morte. – GYONGHI BALOGH, DAVID ROBINSON<br />

A skorpió (originally released in two episodes) starred the young Mihály<br />

Várkonyi (1891-1976), who, like Kertész himself, emigrated after the<br />

collapse of the Hungarian Republic of Councils in 1919, and eventually<br />

made his career in Hollywood, under the new name of Victor Varconi.<br />

Várkonyi plays Jean Morell, a wanderer who seeks shelter in what appears<br />

to be an abandoned castle. Though the place seems deserted, a fire is<br />

burning and the table is set. On the floor he sees a dead man. He tries to<br />

flee, but finds the doors now locked. As he is picking up the bloody knife<br />

beside the body, police rush in and apprehend him. He is convicted of the<br />

murder of the Count d’Orville.<br />

In the next cell is imprisoned the Count’s valet, Pierre, the accomplice of<br />

the real killer, the cousin of the count: Pierre himself had taken the<br />

opportunity to steal the count’s treasure, which has resulted in his<br />

imprisonment. Jean and Pierre attempt to escape together, but Pierre is<br />

shot. Jean, however, retrieves the stolen treasure, and returns to the castle<br />

to seek revenge on the real murderer. Posing as the legal heir, he moves<br />

into the castle. One night the count’s cousin enters the room where the<br />



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