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Index nominum personarummíSaint Paul de Sinçay G.,495.-j-Sainz y Bencamo S.,228.Sajovitz C., 47.Salan G., 496.Salas R. E., 222.Sallier de la Tour CorioP., 44.Salome M., 36.Salotti Card. C., 319.Salvati L., 282.Salvatore da Orta (B.),60, 318, 442, 486.Salvatore Fr., 64.Salvioni G., 226.Sámal P., 443.Samadrid Larriba L., 43.Samson E., 494.f Sanchini G., 228.Sancho I. C, 29.Sandhofer G., 494.Sands E., 224.Santa A., 311, 456.Santos P., 371.Sarkôzy L., 499.Sartori C., 288.Savastano A., M., 339.Sa vin L., 40.Savino P., 41, 442.Savio C., 497.Savio C. F., 499.Sbarretti Card. D., 454.Sbordoni A., 225.Scalabrini I. B., 303.Scalco M., 289.f Scapardini A., G., 292.Scarella C, 42.Scattolin A., 291.Schampeter F., 321.Scheuber G., 408.Schiaparelli B. J., 408.Schilling E., 260.f Schinner A., 48.Schlenz G., 223.Schmidt L., 260.Schmidt R., 498.Schmitt D., 453.Schmutzer G. I. G. M.,225.Schneyer G., 496.Scholtz A., 45.Schrauwen E., 41.f Schraven U. Fr., 500.Schu Th., 56, 454.Schulte P., 308, 456.Schurger G., 226.Schuster Card. A. L, 32,53, 455, 469.Scianna G., 227.Sciolli S., 408.Scurmann A., 411.Scuteri R., 46.Secchi Aurora, 487 s.Sechi C, 499.Secondini E., 497.Segati G., 290.Segura y Sâenz Card. P.,348 s.', 401,404,450,461.Sejnoha J., 443.Sembel M. G., 216, 456.Seng Ta Gni S., 45.Serafini Card. L, 219.Serafini H., 234, 236,251.Scrédi Card. I. G., 434,458.Sericano S., 41.Severi P., 412.Sheedy F. G., 43.Siedliska Francesca (S.D.), 490.Sienér A. A., 493.Signargout C., 41.Siletti R., 498.Silva C, 322.Silvani M., 451.Silveira Leite A., 499.Silvestro (S.) Pp., 8.Simonds L, 57, 451.Smet Eugenia (S. D.), 38.Smith F., 320.Smith G. S., 289.Smits van Waesberghe F.A. M. G., 410.Snichelotto Fr., 289.Soher G., 355.Sokotowski M., 47.Soler y Barò E., 46.Soligno D., 43.Solmi A., 226.Sommers P., 322.Sormany A., 372.Sosa X., 341, 457.Soukup G., 223.Soulas E., 370.Sparano L., 372.Spieler F., 321.Spina A., 324.Spinelli G., 46.Squintani A., 454.Staffolani A., 498.Stamer G., 495.Stanislaus a Virgine Perdolente,402.Stanislaus (S.), 338.Stanley G., 499.Stappers E., 496.Starace C, 63.Starace M., 42.Starace V., 44.Stebler L, 402.Steffes G. M., 223.Steinhart Fr., 324Steinkiiler A. M. G. G., 63.Stella L, 234, 236 ss., 241s., 244 s., 248 ss., 253.Stepan C. M., 44.Stephanus, Alexandriprincipis Moldaviae filius,422.Sterni M. A., 279.Sterzi A., 497.Stewart G. J., 494.Stocchetti A., 226.Stöger R., 46.Stoppa G., 409.Strimpl L., 443.Suarez E., 235 ss., 241,249 s.Sudour M., 288.Sugliani G., 496.Syrus (S.); 52.Szentkirályi S., 41.Taché A., 313.Talamo Atenolfi di CastelnuovoG., 44.j Talbot M. (S. D.), 490.T

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