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B-is sounded aS in 812~. ' be.'<br />

In instances it is cli6to<br />

ascertain whether the<br />

be b 01- P, or a cornp"luld<br />

sound <strong>of</strong> both letters.<br />

-<br />

Ba-sounds as Ejzy. ' bah ' !<br />

Ba~whell, as if ; postfixed to<br />

pronoulls, it fol'nls the ~O.SS.*<br />

Bag-the verl)al prola., I.<br />

B<br />

Bar(lnba.-hclonging to thFm<br />

thebe; theirs ; case.<br />

Bartull kai, barun kaiko-from<br />

them, as a cause ; account<br />

<strong>of</strong> thelll ; nbl. 1. .<br />

Barun liinbirug-locdll/<br />

Bin,-thee ; ctcc. case.<br />

&lrtluu-a male parent ; af ather. a wave.<br />

~i~~g-tl~~~-hi~ ; col~. dud. BOIIIO-GI..,<br />

Bir-sounds as in xlzg. hir&.' on-ctcc., the pronomi 'llin'<br />

Birrik6a-slept ; was asleep. Bonigdashes.<br />

from them; out <strong>of</strong> thein ~i~~iki-bi~-iki-~~uncl asleep. Boo-G.,.., all Ox.<br />

fronl amollgs them,<br />

~i~~ikillig~l-th~ lying (resting, Book ($biblion, 61.. )--*7V., booii.<br />

Barull kako-Tvitll tlleln locnll!,. place; a bedroom,8~. Book kah-in book.<br />

Baruil katoa-in company with ~i~~ikillik~--t~ lie along ; to<br />

Bo-ta---itself ; it itself.<br />

Bai-is sonnclecI as Eny. 1 lIy.' them ; with them. take rest, as by lying clown Botru-ey.. SPl'es.<br />

Baibai-a ~tolle-axe ; an axe. Bathileia-Gy., killgdolu. B~~ gbugg8--has caused to arise ;<br />

Bal, ball-al.2 ~ot~ldeil as Eng. Bathileu-Qr., a king. ?.t,, sleeping ; dicl cause to arise ; arose.<br />

'lnarl, bani,' onlittillg the 7.. B&tolomai-lJy,lz., ~ ~ ~ . t h ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~gb~g~iui~ll-will cause to<br />

Ball-a s~gx to certain noulls ; Bato-fi-esll-water ; ,. kokoin, from; ollt<strong>of</strong>. arise by personal agency ;<br />

as, makOro, 'ti~11'; ~ll:tkol-oban, Bat~t~-\~ith ,v-ater, as agent. Lnt., 20,000. be made to rise ; be<br />

' Oile fisl~es,' ' a fisher- Bat0 kabirug-out <strong>of</strong> the matel<br />

'i lnakorobin, ' a fisher- from the lvater, locally.<br />

x+*oinan.'<br />

Ban--sounded as Eng. bouell<br />

Ballug-tlle co~zj. d~~'61, I-thee ; Ba-nwil-olJt., a lvish as to th<br />

the first Persol1 ILOllZ., auld the actioll <strong>of</strong> the verb to which i<br />

second per sol^ ncc.<br />

is joined.<br />

Bal'ai-nigh, near, ciose at hand. Ba-umil koa-sz(.b., in orcler that<br />

BalJ~bunbilliL-o-ir~~:, tolet bury. ...yay.. .<br />

Ba,~abullbilla -i?ly,.? ~erinit to Be-ls as ~ny, '<br />

bury.<br />

B6elidllebul-pr.~z., Beelzebub.<br />

Ba~'"umil-ol,t., (a wish) that B&lma-mocked ; did mock.<br />

. ..may bury.<br />

BBelinantin-will mock.<br />

Bal'a-u"ii koa-slbl?j., (a pur- Bkelmnlliko--to mock, derid<br />

pose) orclel' to bu1.J' that despise ; to make game <strong>of</strong>.<br />

may.. .bury.<br />

BBelmulli tin-because <strong>of</strong> th both Bougkulliko-to arise, to get<br />

Bapilliko-to bury, to inter. mocking. up, to stand up.<br />

7BarB-clown ; below.<br />

BBelnlullieln-mockec~dliela-no and ting Bougkulli Iroriell-not to arise.<br />

Barabba--pr.n., Bat-&bas. tilluecl to mock ; was mot<br />

ect ~ougkullin~n-mill rise.<br />

Bal.abballug-~. ; ill the ncc. B~ell~ullill~ll-~~-ill llloc ~~~gk~ll~~i~n-wal-sl1all arise :<br />

Ba1'.6 kako-actually do~n. B~tl~ally-~~~.lz., ~ ~ t h ~ ~ ~ ~ . bo, will certainly rise.<br />

kola~-tell~~ing clown. Bethally kolag-towards B, self- ~ougkullia-kanun-mi11 arise by<br />

Bars-they.<br />

BetNel~em-p~.n., Bethlehem. command.<br />

Barabo-they themselves. Beth+~gQ-pr.?a., Bethphage. Bounnoun-acc. her.<br />

BarabO-barabo-yec~)., they (do Bethihaicla-pv.72., ~ ~ t h ~ ~ i d ~ . oot ~ounn06nba-belongillg her*<br />

it) tllemselves, one to another. Bi-is soullded as x.lzg. ' bee.' Bonnnoun kai-because <strong>of</strong> her.<br />

BarA1l-domn ; now is down. Bi-thou ; the verbal .lLo,,z. ed together, col- Bounnoun kinbirukfrorn her ;<br />

Barun-them ; rccc. case. Biblion-Gr., book, $, book. away from (apart from) her.<br />

"For Personal Pronouns, and for the case-endings <strong>of</strong> nouns, see pp, 16,<br />

17 <strong>of</strong> the Grammar,-ED.<br />

B ~ korien-did ~ ~ $ not gather Bountoa-she.<br />

Bredd (tarto, Gv.)-h'7zg., ~'""d.<br />


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