n - University of Newcastle

n - University of Newcastle

n - University of Newcastle


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Ngan-ull~-ba-lia unnoa napal? na., vhose is that woman?<br />

IThoae that woman ?<br />

Ngan kin-berung be unnoa man-lia-la ? m.,fromwhom didst<br />

T'ihom from thou that tookest? thou take that?<br />

Mr. Brooks kin-berung; Bfulubinba ka-bernng.<br />

Nr. Brooks from ; Nercastle from.<br />

nz., from Mr. Brooks ; from Ken-cast'e.<br />

Ngannung be wean? ngeroung bang wean.<br />

\~'hoin thou speakest ? thee I speak.<br />

oa., to whom spealiest thou ? to thee I speak.<br />

Ammonng be wean? kaan~i; nge-go-ung bang Tean.<br />

hle tllou speakest? no; him I speak.<br />

nz., is it to me you speak? no ; to him I speak.<br />

Ngan-bo mingun-nun nomwi-ta? m., who xill paddle the<br />

Who paddle-mill canoe ? canoe ?<br />

14. Pa-ko-un-ta? m., zc!,e:z? nt zchrrt time?<br />

Ta-ko-un-ta be noun na-kala Patty-nung ? nz.,when didst<br />

thon her see-clid Patty? thou see Patty?<br />

Talieta, bungi, bang nakala; buloara-ka-la; lioro~arung.<br />

hTow, to-day, I saw; two at ; a long time since.<br />

m., I saw her just now, to-clap ; t ~ (dr.-j-s) o past; long ago.<br />

TuPR~~,? bang-nung na-kn-la ; vz., some time ago I saw (her).<br />

n Dome time ago I-her<br />

see clicl.<br />

7-<br />

Lloromarnnq ka-ta-a,-la; purnki ta lia-ta-a-la.<br />

n?., it was a long time back ; it IT-as formerly. I<br />

Ta-lio-unta kurre be wan-nun tauan? IIZ., when milt thou<br />

Then first thon move-will approach? come again ?<br />

Kumba he bn-la wan-nun unte-Iio; m., to-morrow thou<br />

To-morro~ thou nlust move-rill here-for. lllust come here.<br />

A-la! tanan, wea-wil koa bang-nu; m., hallo! come that ,<br />

Hal10 ! approach, spenk-may that I-it. I may Lotel it.<br />

A -la ! ~va-mnn-billa<br />

tea; rill., 6aUo ! let me go.<br />

Hdllo ! move-let me.<br />

Yn-ko-un-tn ka be makoro ko-lang? m., when dost thou<br />

TTThen at thou fish towarrls ? fish ?<br />

Ktlmba Iroa bang ma-kayn ; oz., why, to-morrow Iaru coming.<br />

To-morrow, ~~1137, I inorre-iug.<br />

Yura-lie-ta-o; yura-ke-ta bang; korowarnng ka bang.<br />

Long ago ; a long time since I ; long while at I.<br />

nz., a long while ; I shall be a long while ; along time since I have.<br />

Ta-ko-1111-ta Ira be vail-tarn (yante) uma-nun?<br />

When at thou 'like as that (like as this) make-will?<br />

nz., when wilt thou make like that ? like this ?<br />

Pa-ke-ta bang uma-nun; m., I rill make it now.<br />

Now I make-will.<br />

Fakounta be-nu nn-lrnla, Bun-nnng?<br />

When thou-him see-clicl, Erin ?<br />

nz., when didst thou see Bun.<br />

Kora koa be wa-ba unambo linml~a? ko-ra lro-a?<br />

Kot nhy thon rns at this yesterday? not "ihj- ?<br />

at., why vast thou not at this place yesterclay ?<br />

Kora 1i0a be tatan untoa-kal? nt., x~hg' dosi tbo:: not eat<br />

Not 13 hy thon eat there-<strong>of</strong> ? some <strong>of</strong> that ?<br />

Korn koa be tea men-?a-lep? qn., why dost thon not<br />

Kot m-lly thou me speaking? ans~ver mc ?<br />

T?T~nkul tors be; ~1-ea-ya-ln tea ; nz., clo not be afool; ansver<br />

Fool not thou ; speak to me. me. '<br />

Kora lioa be tea wean ? ~z., why dost thou not spe?lr to me ?<br />

R'ot why thon me speali?<br />

Kora koa, be nmmoung Jiatoa uwnn? lit., n-hy dost thou not<br />

Kot why thon me wit11 move ? come nit11 nle ?<br />

Kora koa be tea ban tea lia~~? ma ! ba-la, wea-la.<br />

Kot wLy thon me strlke ine again ? do ! come ! speak.<br />

m., why dost thou uot strilie nle again ? do ! spezlr you must.<br />

Kora lion be t ~nan u-nran? korn lioa be mita uwnn?<br />

Fot why tllo~~ appioach move ? not ~vhy thou d~pzrt more ?<br />

91s , why dost thou not draw nigh? ~11y dost thou not depart ?<br />

Kora koa be man-tan malioro? nz., n~hr dostthoui~otcatch<br />

Eot why thou take fish ? fish ?<br />

Knnxvi 12011 bang bunnba ; m., I dkl not strike him.<br />

Kot him I struck.<br />

16. We-a (used interrogati~elp) ; ~ z., (Zg, spa&, sny, fell;<br />

. 11-rn is the imperatire <strong>of</strong> the verb ' to speali.'<br />

Wea, be unte-kal ma koro man-nun ? a-a, man-nun bang.<br />

Yay, thou here-<strong>of</strong> fish take-mill ? yes, take-11-111 I.<br />

112.~ nilt thou take some c.f the iish here ? ycs, I xi!I talie some.<br />

%Tea, be unte-kal ta-o~r-wa? a-a, ta-null bang nlltoa-lial.<br />

Say, thon here-<strong>of</strong> eat? yes, eat-\:ill I t!:at <strong>of</strong>.<br />

112.: wilt thou tz.lce some <strong>of</strong> this herc ? yes, I nil1 pat r:f that.<br />

TITea, be unte ynlla-wa-nun ? 3-a11n-n~a-nu11 bang unte.<br />

Say, thou 1:-e rest 1 ? to rest-move-will 1 here.<br />

?IL., ~ilt thou rest here ? I will reht herc.<br />

Palla-]\-an baag unte; unte bang nnte ynlla-.rvan.<br />

To rest-move I here ; here I here to rest-1110~e.<br />

m., I rest here ; here I rest.<br />

TVea, be u lltoa her eke-nun ? m., wilt thou sleep onthai place?<br />

Say, thou that sleep-will?<br />

Kaar;i bang untoa; unte-bo bang berelie-nnn.<br />

Kot IP that ; here I sleep-dl.<br />

nt., no, not at that place ; here is where I ~ 7 1 1 1 slcep.<br />

Tea, be ullnoa l)eta-nnn? ta-nun? aa., milt thou clrinli<br />

Say, thou that drik-will ? eat-mill ; that? eat?<br />

Wea, be tanan ma-nun unte-bo? ~ia.,riilttl~ouconlehere; to<br />

Say, thon app~oach more-will here ? this placo ?<br />

IVea, ngnan Xulubinba ko-lang ma-nun? 111., shallrrego to<br />

Sdy, IT e Scwcastle to%-ark move-will? h-eTTcastle ':'<br />


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