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Gu clj ir, ' and'; nlinnig, ' if '; ka, ' or.' There is no ~oorcl for<br />

' mhea,' but minnig and ka are usecl in its stead ; for instance,<br />

' whe~i I see you to-morrow' vill be expressecl by 'if I see yo11<br />

to-morrow'; ancl ' when dicl you come to Perth '2 -.ill be ' clicl you<br />

come to Perth to-day or yesterday '2 9. INTEEJECTIOSS.<br />

Nah-ah ! so ! (to illclicate that a person is listening to what is<br />

relateel), ancl n'y dn-' alas '!<br />



[The TTirradhnri dialect, or, as I call it, the TTi~iclhari, covers the \%-hole<br />

heart <strong>of</strong> N. S. TTales ; its limits are shov-n on tlie map <strong>of</strong> the native tribes.<br />

I consider myself fortunate in having secured the publication <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Grammar ancl Vocabulary <strong>of</strong> so important a tnbe. The following manuscript<br />

1-i-as ~vritten about fifty years ago by the late Archdeacon Gunther,<br />

and is specially reliable becanse <strong>of</strong> its author's character ancl experience,<br />

and because, at that time, the tribe had not ~ ebegun t to decay, and its<br />

language was entire. He mas eclncated for the Ministry at Basle, in<br />

Switzerland, attending lectures there at tlie <strong>University</strong> and tile hlissionary<br />

College; snbsequently he prosecuted his studies at the C. 31. Society's<br />

College, Islington, London.<br />

In 1837, he commenced his illissionary work anlono the aborigines <strong>of</strong> the<br />

TT7irkdhsri tribe at " TVellington Valley," now TYellLgton, in New Soutli<br />

Wales. Here lie compiled th~s Grammar and Vocabulary ; he also trans-<br />

! latecl the Gospel by 81 Luke and portions <strong>of</strong> the Prayer Book for the use<br />

3 <strong>of</strong> the tribes on the hiacquarie River and the neighbouring country. His<br />

efforts and those <strong>of</strong> the mission party, in ameliorating the conclition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

natives and teaching them, met with considerable success. After the<br />

mission was ahancloned by the authorities, lie was induced by Bishop<br />

Broughton to accept the parish <strong>of</strong> $luclgee, where he laboured for Illany<br />

years, and clied in December. 1879.<br />

These MSS. are the property <strong>of</strong> the late Mr. Ghnther's son, the present<br />

Archcleacon <strong>of</strong> Camden, New Sonth Wales, who has kindly lent them to<br />

ine for this purpose. In ecliting them, I have retained the author's mode<br />

<strong>of</strong> spelling the native words, and have made only some slight alterations in<br />

the forin <strong>of</strong> the matter <strong>of</strong> the Grammar and the Vocabulary, with the view<br />

<strong>of</strong> securing greater symmetry throughout.-ED.]<br />


1. THE G-EA313IAE.<br />

--<br />


There is, properly speaking, only oue primary declension, but the<br />

principle <strong>of</strong> assimilation, to which the language llas a strong<br />

tenclency, sometimes produces slight rariat,iolls <strong>of</strong> the termi~lations<br />

<strong>of</strong> the nouns before the case-endings ; similarly, ~-;11en the<br />

last letter but one <strong>of</strong> tlre sten1 is i.<br />

In order to cover dl these variations, the nul~lber <strong>of</strong> the cleclensions<br />

will arno~~nt to eight. It must, however, be observed<br />

that here tlie formation <strong>of</strong> cases diffsrs lnaterially from the modes<br />

usecl in other languages, at. least fronl that <strong>of</strong> the Latin ancl<br />

r e . The. simple or nomimatire form unclergoes no alterat,ion,<br />

but, to form the cases, it takes aclclitiolls by means <strong>of</strong> postfixes.<br />

The only appareilt exception to this rule is that ~vliere the letter<br />

i is cast out. The number <strong>of</strong> cases cannot easily be fixed, since<br />

almost erery relation in wliicli a noun may be placed is signified<br />

by some postfix or other ; those $:-en in the examples below include<br />

the most colnmoll and essential relations.<br />

A strange peculiarity <strong>of</strong> this language is the existence <strong>of</strong> two<br />

nominative-forms-the one the sin~ple szontinnt.ive or nominatiredeclarative,<br />

corresponrling to the questioll ' 7~110 ov what is it '2<br />

and t,he other the szonzinntive active, when tl~e thing or person<br />

spoken <strong>of</strong> is considerecl as an agent; this ansx\-ers to the question,<br />

' 1%-ho or n~hat cloes it '? The genitice ancl the dc6tiz.e are alike ;<br />

the acczcsntive is the same as the simple ilominative ; tlle vocative<br />

is l;no\~n by the exclamatory worcl '7%' put before the simple<br />

nominative, or by its termination, which is like that <strong>of</strong> the genitive.<br />

The cnse-endings anel their meanings nlay be sllomn thus :-<br />

Case. Tern~inations. AIeaning.<br />

1. il'oi:~incttiae the simple form.<br />

2. A'ont. C L ~ E ~ Z ~ . -c1~1, -clyu? -p, lu, the agent form.<br />

3. Genitive -gn . ' <strong>of</strong> '; ' belonging to.'<br />

4. Batice -RU ' to,' for,' 'to\~lrds.'<br />

5. Accusntivc the same as stom. 1. the direct object.<br />

6. Focc~tiue prefixes ya to nou~. 1.<br />

7. Loconaotive -clyi, -li, -ri place from vhich.<br />

S. Conjzcncti~ve -clurai or -durei ' t<strong>of</strong>iet,her mi~;li.'<br />

9. Locntize -cia, -clya, -ya, -la, -ra 'in,' ' on,' 'at.'<br />

10. Instrun~ental -durada 'by means <strong>of</strong>.'<br />

The numbering <strong>of</strong> the cases corresponds nith that sllo-\m on the Paradigm.<br />

The same word is both singular aucl plural without cha~lge ;<br />

only when the iclea <strong>of</strong> plurality is to be conveyecl, tlle nom1 adds<br />

the word ga 1 a g and is then cleclinecl like IT- a 11 a g <strong>of</strong> the paradigm.

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